StopDrugs Club

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this is my first book and yes, it's a fanfiction if you didn't noticed.

i hope you'll like it even if this chapter is a little bit boring.

but the next ones will be better, and better.

love, abey.

With the New York map in my hands I was running to my new school.

I was kinda nervous about that because is the first time when I'm changing my house and my school.

I don't know if that was a good idea, but if my mother said so... She's kinda always right. And I mean, about everything. And she wanted to come in New York after my father died.

I'm still thinking about him and I just can't... let his memories go. Besides my father, he was my friend too. He died in a fucking car crash two months ago, right on my birthday. He was at the shop to buy me a gift, the gift that I wanted the most, but when he was on his way home a car just... hit his and... I don't really want to talk about that. It's hard for me. Too hard.

When I finally arrived to my new school, I searched for the principal's room.

My curls were a mess because of the wind but I didn't care because there were more important things. When I found her office I pulled the door to see a pretty young woman sitting on a black chair.

"Um, hello," I said closing the door.

"Hi, sweetie," she said taking her glasses and putting them on her nose. "How can I help you?"

"I'm Harry. Harry Styles, the new boy?" I said nervously.

"Oh, I thought you'll not be going to come," she said laughing and getting a paper from her desk. "Here, sign it and take your timetable."

"Okay," I said biting my lip and signing the paper where my name was wrote. "Have a nice day, Mrs."

"Wait a minute, sweetheart," she says making me stop before I opened the door.


"If I heard right, You are a good student. Am I right?"

"Um, y-yeah," I said shy, feeling my cheeks getting red.

A lot of people told me that I'm pretty smart and stuff, but I'm still getting shy everytime I hear that. It's just... That's how I always was.

But being smart isn't always good. I mean, I've always been judged and bullied at my old school because I was smart. And I'm just terrified about the fact that I could be bullied here too.

"Then, to have good marks, you need to join a club too,"

This is perfect and awful at the same time! Actually, I really love joining clubs, but what if I'll be rejected? As always?

She gave me a paper full of name of the clubs and told me to go and join at least one of them. I guess one is enough, I don't wanna be bullied in more than one places...

"Okay, thank you," I said and I walked out of the office. "Okay, and now..." I whispered for myself while I was sitting on a chair, choosing a club.

It's like 7 a.m. and my classes are starting at 7:30 a.m. so I have enough time to choose one.

"Let's get started," I said, watching at the list.

So many clubs here...

"Book club... Absolutely no." I'm definitely not made for this club. Even if I like to read, I want something else, like a debate club. Somewhere when we can talk, tell our ideas and those things. "Firemen club," What the hell? What type of club is this? Definitely not. "Cheerleaders club," Nah, even if I wanted. "Cooking club, Drawing club, Dance club...," No, no, no. Ugh, this is so hard.

"Stop Drugs Club." I watched confused at the list. Stop Drugs Club? I mean, what kind of club is this? It sounds cool, something about no-drugs and stuff. It really sounds interesting. A place where you can talk about drugs and ways you can stop it. It's really what I'm looking for. I'm sure it's a place where you can talk. A lot.

"Well... There we go. StopDrugs Club" I whispered and smiled a little.

I'm pretty excited about this club. It seems interesting, really, really, interesting and I can't wait to join it. I hope there are nice students, but if this a club like this, they can't be bad, right? At least, I can find out.

I started running on the hallways when I saw what the time was. It's like 7:30 and I'm not in my math class. Ok, if until now I was nervous, now I'm kinda freaked out about my new school and my new teachers and those things. I'm so scared I could pee on myself right now, right here.

"God, I'm late," I said while I was running. I'm going to be out of air soon.

Without paying any attention where I was running, I crashed in someone. You can't be serious.

"You jerk, watch where you are going!" a boy shouted at me. Please don't.

"I- I'm sorry, mate, I- I was just... looking for my math class, sorry" I said a little bit scared of the boy who was right in front of me.

His black hair had a blonde strand, and his eyes were a very deep brown. He had a little bit beard, and his clothes were completly black. He really scared me. He seems so rough and... bad.

"Leave him alone, Zayn," a girl said, making me look up at her.

And then... Holy motherfucking shit! My mouth was wide open, like my green eyes while I was watching to that girl. She was just... perfect. Her dark hair was flowing like a waterfall on her back, her blue eyes were so deep that I felt like I get lost watching them, her lips were so red and they seemed so soft, but she didn't smiled at all and I was a little sad about that, because I bet her smile is awesome.

"Wow," I whispered staring at her, but I think she heard me because she laughed, making me blush. I'm such an idiot.

"Come on, Allie, we're late for the club," says, Zayn I guess, to the beautiful girl.

"W- What club?" I ask curious, but Zayn was too mad at me to answer.

"StopDrugs Club," the beautiful girl answers to me.

"Really? I am- I mean, I just applied for that club,". I was like in heaven to know that I'm actually in the same club with this girl, Allie. I almost hugged her.

"You? You have to be kidding me. You're the new guy, right? You can't just join our club if you want," Zayn replies roughly watching at me like I was a shit comparing with him.

"What about to shut up, Malik? Did you forgot who's the club president here?"

I was totally schocked to look at Allie who was so... rough? I mean, more than Zayn. But she's that harsh to defend me. It's like she's "the boss" here. But, she's just a girl, and she seems sensitive and innocent.

"What's your name, curly boy?" she asks me and I almost melt to hear her voice. Her voice was beautiful, like her. But I'm kinda afraid of her.

"I'm H- Harry," I say, watching her almost smiling. Please, Allie, smile a little, you are so beautiful.

"Okay, Harry, go to your locker and leave your stuff there. And then, come downstairs to class Nr. 7. Fine?" she says. I nodded and her group left.

I'm going to the same club with Allie. I'm going to the same club with Allie.

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