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The rest of the day goes pretty fast. It was 5 when we closed the store and returned home.


After reaching home I decided to take a shower. I took a nice and long shower. I used my favorite vanilla scented shampoo and conditioner. After rubbing my body and washing my hair for a long time I decided to step out of the shower. Now I had to decide what to wear. I generally don't like social events so I don't have many elegant dresses. I search throughout my closet and finally find a few dresses. I select a beige colored dress that has sleeves that reach my elbows. It ends just above my knees. It gathers near my wait and flows from there. It has a black belt. I then quickly dry my hair (this time with a hair dryer) and then straighten them. I start with my make up. Again just the minimum- eye-liner and lip gloss. I grab my black pumps ans my black clutch. I put on my jewellery.

I'm ready to go!

I glance towards the watch and see that it's already 6:50.

“I'm leaving Tamz" I tell her but don't wait for her to reply.

I jump in my car and leave for my parents house. My parents live a good 20 mins away from my house.

While I'm driving I wonder what surprise my parents have planned. My father's name is Mason Carter and  my mother's name is Sophie Carter. They love me and I love them, specially my daddy. What can I say, I'm a daddy's girl. I never ever say no to them.

Dad is a businessman and mom is a music teacher. She taught me to play piano. I remember when I was small every Sunday I used to play the piano and mom used to sing. Well sometimes even I used to sing but I can never sing like her. Dad was our favourite audience.

I guess I was in too deep thoughts because I realise I have reached my parents house. Good old days!

I give my car keys to Alex, he's the butler/housekeeper.

“Good evening Meryl.”

“Good evening Al."

I see my mom already waiting for me at the door. She's very particular about time. I hope I'm not in trouble.

“ Meryl wher..."

I cut her before she starts her scolding “I'm sorry mom. You know the store is crowded at this time."

“Hmm... Anyways the guests have already arrived."

“ What guests?"

“ You'll see. Now let's go"

I follow her inside the house. My parents live in a big house. Four storied, 7 bedroom, a living room, dining room, kitchen. My favorite part of the entire house is the small garden at the back of the house. Dad and I have made it. We've spent hours gardening there, planting all our favourite flowers.

When we reached the living room I see dad talking to a man of his age and two very beautiful women (one them is of my mom's age and the other one maybe a year or two younger than me) sitting and talking. There is also a man sitting there but I can't see his face.

As soon as dad and that man saw us they got up and slowly everybody got up as well.  The man is wearing a black business suit just like my dad. The older woman is wearing a light pink dress and the younger one is wearing a black dress.

After looking at everybody my eyes land on that man who I couldn't see before. He is not a man. He is a freaking GIANT!  I'm sure he is 6'3ish. He has grey-blue eyes, dark hair that falls just above his eyes.

“Where have you been?" dad speaks and I avert my eyes from him and turn to see my dad.

“I'm sorry!" I say.

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