002 | Chapter 2

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Sensitive topic mentioned later in the chapter.

Third Person

Camilla had settled in perfectly, she knew her way around the boat and was learning too. Camilla has gotten close to Nikki Caetano mostly since she has to shadow her, it didn't bother either of them since they were getting on. Camilla also got to know Josh Holiday once again and it's made her relax a lot more.

"Mayday, Mayday were being attacked" a young female voice came over the radio, Mike Flynn the CO took the call.

"Can you tell us your coordinates, we will be right with you" Mike spoke calmly down the radio. The panicked woman on the radio told Mike the coordinates who told Camilla the coordinates. Camilla put them into the GPS system.

"Got them on the eod Jacko?" The CO asked Camilla using the nickname they had given her, it was simple but everyone's is simple in the navy

"They've got guns, straight ahead." Camilla exclaimed as she zoomed in on the boat.

"Well done Jacko" mike smiled towards Camilla who looked shocked.

"X your leading the boarding party, I want you to take Jacko with you" Mike told X, was he serious about Camilla going with them, she hoped he wasn't but turns out he was.

"Yes sir" X responded and Camilla left her position where Nav took over and She followed X below deck to get ready for the boarding. Camilla put the bullet proof Jacket on making sure It was fully. The gun was secure and X explained evreything to the 16 year old. Camilla looked at the boat they were going to be boarding, she wanted it to go well but part of her knew something was going to go wrong.

Camillas pov

When the Co told me I was going on the boarding I began to feel the nerves and the pressure of making sure I do evreything correctly, I didn't feel ready for this but I didn't have a choice.

"Are you ready Jacko?" Buffer asked me as I looked down to the Rib, which is basically a small speed type of boat.

"I have to be" was all I was able to answer with, I had to be ready because we couldn't wait around for me to get over these nerves.

"Do you remember everything we told you?" He asked to make sure I new evreything I needed to know.

"Yes Buffer, do what you to X tell me to do" I recite what they had previously told me to do.

"Alright then" Buffer smiled as he helped me climb into the Rib. He made sure I sat down as 'Rhino' who drives the Rib began making our way to the armed boat. It began more real as we got closer and closer to the boat.

"Get away!" One Of The Crew shouted as he pointed the gun at us.

"Put the gun down!" X shouted but still be held the gun, my first boarding was turning out to be quite eventful, I had to admit I was beginning to feel much more worry with the gun being pointed at us.

"X take cover" I heard The CO call through the Radio just seconds before they shot the gun, it had hit me in the arm and blood had started to leave the wound. I looked to my arm and just looked shocked.

"Owch" I mumbled just looking at my arm.

"X we need to get Jacko back to the ship ASAP, she's been shot" Swain spoke as he saw the blood coming from my arm where I had just been shot. He moved to me and applied pressure, I started to feel the pain as the shock wore off.

"I'm fine, I'm fine" I mumbled, I felt sick but I had to stay strong, labour pain was surely much worse than getting shot.

"X-ray to Charlie We have to head back. Jacko got shot!" X informed the CO before the Rib turned around and we were racing back towards the ship.

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