Discipline Pt1

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sooooo I know my last one didn’t have a plot, but this one does! v angsty with a little bit of fluff? I hope? and lots of husband!Harry and dad!Harry obviously :))) there’s a part 2 to this and it will be posted tomorrow (thursday night) so stay tuned my bumblebees

"You're late." Harry stated as his son walked through the front door and made his way towards his room. Harry's arms were crossed in front of his chest, an old dark blue full sleeve shirt covering his upper body paired with his black sweat pants. 

"Keeping track now?" Jasper shot back. 

"Sorry?” Harry asked, giving Jasper a chance to reword what he had said.

"Nothing, I'm surprised you care about me at all." 

Harry's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "What's that supposed to mean?" 

"You know what it means." 

"I don't. Humour me." 

"Hi. What's going on?" You spoke, poking your head through the entrance of the kitchen. 

"Jasper was just about to explain something to me." Harry informed you. He turned back to his son, staring him right in the eye. "Go on." 

Jasper narrowed his eyes at his father. "No point. Not like he's going to listen." He said before turning towards the stairwell. 

Harry scoffed. "Now you're gonna walk away. Real mature, son." 

"Harry." You said sternly, shooting a look at your husband a look, and making your way towards the angry father and son duo. "I'm listening, J, keep talking." 

He looked over at you, eyes glossing over as he shook his head quickly and turned around to walk up to his room. 

You let out a deep breath and rubbed your forehead before turning to your husband. "Why do you have to be such an ass?" You wacked his bicep with the back of your hand. 

"M'not! He's home an hour after curfew and you're yellin' at me?" 

You rolled your eyes, "I'm going to finish the dishes and you’re going to go make peace and see what's wrong. You both have been arguing way too much lately."

"He's being a brat. Nothing wrong with him." 


"Sweet, you can't keep letting him get away with this stuff." 

"I'm not. Just don't like it when he's upset." 

"He'll get over it." 

"No he won't. You need to talk to him and see what’s wrong.” You pleaded.

"There's no point, he's not going to listen."

"Honey, I need you to take this seriously. Go please." 

"Okay, okay. I’m going." 

"Hi." Jasper smiled sheepishly as he walked through the front door, bringing a gust of cold air with him. 

"Phone, in my hand, now." Harry instructs his slightly inebriated son. He had Adrian snoozing on his shoulder with a fuzzy blanket from the couch thrown over his body to keep him warm. Harry had woken up when he heard his youngest coughing and calling for him. The weather was not so great and Adrian had caught the worst of it. He’d been coughing and sniffling all week and no amount of soup, cuddles or NyQuil made him feel better.

Naturally, as he was up, Harry checked to see if Wynter and Jasper were sound asleep. Contrary to his hope that he had gotten through to his son with the talk he gave him just three days ago, Jasper’s bed was empty. "Dad, I-"

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