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I woke up and yawned, stretching my arms high above my head. I blinked a few times, my eyes taking their sweet time adjusting to sunlight. While rubbing my eyes, I looked over to my brother's bed, seeing him soundly asleep. I chuckled and ran my fingers through my hair. Of course, he's still asleep. Well...I did keep him up until 5 am pretending a gnome was in the closest. Ah...good times.

I got out of bed and planted my feet on the cold floor. Sheesh, Stan literally cannot afford some heating in this shack. Maybe next summer when we come back he will finally have some heating in here! I rolled my eyes. That'll never happen.

I walked downstairs and yawned once again, "Mornin' Gruncle Stan." I saw Gruncle Stan making his infamous stancakes. I literally could smell the burnt batter from here.

Stan turned to me with a smile, "Morning Mabel." I went to go get a cup of coffee but sure enough, there was none left.

"Stan! Why didn't you leave me any coffee?" I whined. He laughed as I pouted.

"Ford came in here a while ago and basically took whatever I left for you. Better Luck next time!" I growled slightly, but I could not hide the smile forming on my lips.

"You're a big dumb-dumb," I teased and playfully hit him on the arm.

He chuckled then responded, "I know, Sweetpea. I know."


I woke up with my stomach basically doing flips. I mean, I have been sickly the past days, but nothing like this. It just keeps getting worse.

"Hngggg....." I groaned, holding my stomach. I suddenly heard screams. Oh God, it's too early.

"Mabel! Get the fire extinguisher!" I heard Stan yell and then the sound of one going off and a bunch of coughing following. That is the first sign of stancakes. The second time is a fire in your room and that's the one you don't want to happen.

I sighed and got up, messing my hair up to get it out of its stiff position. I made my way downstairs to see Mabel covered in whatever comes out of fire extinguishers and soot.

"M-Morning, Dip-Dot!" She greeted, coughing. I smiled slightly at her weirdness.

"Morning, Sis," I responded, sitting at the table. Usually, Mabel gets me a cup of coffee for when I wake up, but I don't see one. I look at her and she shrugged, continuing on to whatever she was doing. I groaned, rubbing my forehead since a sudden headache came out of nowhere.

"Kid, eat up," Stan said as he put a plate of stancakes in front of me. I picked up my fork and poked them, hearing a crunch. Of course, they're burnt to hell. I decided to eat them anyways though there was a high chance of them being lethal.

-----------That Night-----------

I spent all day in the lab working. I've noticed odd behaviors in Dipper, and it's not like they haven't happened before, but not at such a high concentration. I've always worried about the boy coming back to Gravity Falls, where weirdness is in high concentration. Maybe if I had never gotten sucked into the portal, he wouldn't be here. But I cannot change the past, only the future. If I don't start acting now, I may lose the boy and it'll be too late.

I was wrapping up my studies on Dipper's behavior when I hear his voice, "Grunkle Ford? I need to speak with you. Are you available?" I froze and hurriedly stuffed all my stuff in an area where I knew Dipper would never check.

"Y-Yeah! Come on down, Dipper," I responded, making my desk look like I was working on something. Dipper comes down the stairs and I see him. I didn't think it was this bad. He looked like a mess. His hair pointed out in more directions than the infinity sided dice. He had dark bags underneath his eyes. "Woah, Dipper are you okay?" I went over to him, kneeled down to his height, which actually rendered me slightly shorter than him, and put an arm behind his back.

"I've been feeling really horrible lately. My head hurts, my eyes are sore just from looking at anything, I'm feeling week...Just I feel like I'm dying from the inside out," He groaned. I froze. It was getting really bad. I don't know when it's going to happen, but apparently, it's soon.

"I'm sure it will go away. You probably have a head cold. For now, all I can tell you is get some rest. Besides, you need to feel better for your birthday," I said, changing the subject. I cannot let him know that I fully know what is happening. He just stared at me and nodded. He turned back around and went up the stairs, making sure to close the vending machine.

I sighed and slid down the wall, holding my head in my hands. "Oh, Dipper...I'm sorry I can't help you..." I said and fell asleep.

-----------In his Dream-----------

I slowly blinked open my eyes and looked about the place I woke up in. It was my lab, but it was black and white. I immediately jumped up and yelled, "Cipher! Show yourself!" I had my guard up, ready to block out my mind from any attacks.

"Don't worry, Poindexter. I don't want you," Bill said as he appeared. He was his normal appearance with his triangle form.

"Then why are you here?" I asked, knowing why, but wanting him to tell me.

"You know why, Fordsie. I WANT MY SON!" He screamed demonically, catching me off guard. I still stood my ground.

"Why would I tell you, Cipher? He's perfectly fine being a human!" I yelled at him, getting closer to him. "Besides, you can't do anything to me here!"

"Oh, Sixter...You are such a FOOL! All demons are born with a protective seal on them. They go away at age 16, on their birthday, and unleashes the full potential of their power!" I started to panic inside. His birthday was days away. That's why he's been feeling horrible. "When my son's wear off, he will use his power to destroy all of you! AHAHA!" He laughed.

"You are assuming you will find your son to teach him your ways! You won't ever find him. Now, leave!" I yelled at him.

"Alright, Sixter. Remember: I'm always watching!"

That's when I woke up, and almost hit my head against the wall. I jumped up and got all my work out. I need to stop this. I need to somehow break that seal before Dipper's birthday. If I don't, Dipper would never forgive me.

I looked at all my work in front of me. "Oh God...how am I going to do this?"


Alcor D. Cipher {REWRITE}Where stories live. Discover now