meeting the neighbors

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so its tuesday I think.... my alarm goes off and I wake up not because my alarm but because of the horrendous ringing of the door bell. my hearing is quite exceptional so I can hear all the wires fusing together to create a ringing bell and I can hear when people are pulling into the driveway and so on.... but I awoke to a delightful voice  that couldnt belong to any other then my manager. hah please note the heavy thick sarcasm in my voice. but all I have  to say is this guy is a douche.

not to mention a perv.. I honestly do not know why my parents hired him, of all the great managers I get stuck with a 22 year old perv manager I mean sure this guy is hot and all but no way I would let him make a move on me... I think I would rather be killed by flying pickles.

"Darling wake up!" the perv Darren aka my manger says in a grotesque voice that is so Britishly fake considering hes from Alabama.

"what are  you doing in my domain ,Darren?" I asked mainly annoyed because he should know my rules.

"darling, your loving family called me and said that they went out to met the neighbors and go cliff climbing or whatever... but they told me to come and watch you, which I have no problem with doing so."

"so you figured to come into my room with no parents here and awake me from my beauty sleep and entire my private domain I could have so many things to sayto Gretzky your wait who is she again ohh yes your boss.. how would she like to hear of a sexual assult ohh or how about sexual harassment?" I smirked I know I can be a total bitch but gosh darn he was trying to hit on me at 6:30 in the morning.....

"well?" I questioned him almost angrily and he said

"im sorry Serena..."

"good you should be now, leave."

"by-bye Serena Williams"i flinched at my new name in horror.

he stuttered knowing I hated my name especially my whole new name.


As I drift off into a new found sleep, I hear foot steps coming toward my mailbox on the sidewalk and off I go straight down to the front door and as I approach the door I hear the hand going for the door and I open it befors the "intrusive neighbor"can knock.

this startles him and then he looks up at me and his smile is weird but I like it considering he is just a neighborhoodn boy who looks to be around my age. I fi d his sandy blonde hair to be an attractiveab feature that compliments his greenish blue eyes.... and his strong jaw bone and almost everything about him was attractive....

"uh hi"the neighborhood boy said.

is uh hi the only thing in his vocabulary I mean he is attractive but thats just my teenager hormones telling me to mate with him but what ever.....I mean my vocabulary is filled with large words that represent a humongous amout of thingsnot just uh hi....

"hello,may I help you with something, I mean because I understand that you seem pretty interested in my face and body but if you could please look at my face when we speak I would appreciate it."

"oh yea im the neighbor on the left to your house and the birth giver wanted me to bring you and your family cookies."

birth giver seriously.

and then he handed me the basket of cookies, and turned on his heel.

I didnt catch his name.... hmmmmm well my hearing is good let me see if I can still get it...

as he is walking down the driveway I hear him say "Stupid stupid Alec."so thats his name..... interesting. 

and my day was spent opening the door to random intrusive neighbors receiving cookies and such.

I lied I updated with out 5 votes....,

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