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That was the best way to put it. Not a sound rang out in the darkness. Was it even darkness? Or was it nothing? She wasn't even sure what existed, if she was alive or if she was simply floating through an everlasting darkness and she was darkness herself.

She... At least she knew that she was a she. That was something for her to work off of. But why did she feel so empty? As if... She had no life? No purpose? As if she was just a pointless vessel and not a human being with thoughts, and a brain... But what was a human being? What was a brain? All this knowledge, things she couldn't exactly picture or match to in her brain. In-fact, she couldn't think of anything but the running on words to desperately fill this void.

And there it was. It was warm, as if someone was breathing against her skin, a tickle that started at the bottom of her head and traveled all the way down to the tip of her toes, if she even had any. A voice sounded out, low and steady, but full of seriousness as it spoke to her. And with that, she understood that whatever the voice was going to say was of utmost importance.

"A darkness is stirring... A hero will rise... A sword pulled from stone... Your purpose... Stop this darkness... You are becoming a part of something bigger than yourself..." What did all this mean? It made no sense to her. But of course it didn't, for she did not physically exist up until a few moments ago, "A man with raven black hair... Seek him out. Together you will discover the answers, and find peace for yourselves and the kingdom of Camelot..."

Him? Who was 'him'? She wasn't even given a name to work off of? What kind of help was that? She wanted to call out, to scream, which was something she wasn't even aware that she could do up until a few moments ago. But the warmness faded away, she was only left with the things that had been spoken to her: A purpose, a clue, and the name of a place called Camelot.


This time, it was different. When she awoke, the first thing she felt was warmth, not the kind that made you uncomfortable but the kind that made you want fall into a deep slumber, matched with the crackling of wood on a fire. The second thing she took in was what she felt, which was a kind of cloth, rich and soft as she ran her finger tips carefully over the top. Satin... Was that what they called it? How did she even know? This all seemed like basic knowledge to her, but she couldn't even remember learning about it in the first place.

She was about to open her eyes when the sound of a door opening caused her to jump for a moment, body falling completely still as she listened to whoever that had entered the room- Thankfully, they didn't seem to notice her scare, "It's not every day you find a woman laying by the lake. The men and I didn't even know what to do, to take her home or not, but I couldn't just leave her there." It was a mans voice, one that held both concern in it but also an air of nobility, as if he didn't doubt what he did was right. It was only a couple moments after that he was answered, but this time by a different voice- One of a women.

"I don't doubt your decision, Namjoon. Just... Are you sure we should be bringing some random woman into our home? I mean, look at her hair, her skin... We don't know what she could be. What if she was planted as a trap, and you fell into it?" The other voice insisted. It was then that she took attention to another noise on the side of the room that sounded like someone walking and moving something. One other person... There was a pause before someone spoke again.

"I... I don't know, Ivory. I felt like I needed to. It just felt right," It was then that Salem almost jumped again when a voice spoke rather close to her, a calm woman's voice who spoke tenderly as she did so, "She's awake." she said simply, and almost immediately both of the people on the other side of the room seemed to move over to her. Guess this was her cue? Either way, she opened her eyes and pushed herself up into a sitting position, her eyes falling on the three before her.

She was right. There were two woman, one who was rather short and standing the farthest away from the bed, wearing a beautiful green dress covered with various beading's and decorations. Her brown and green eyes watched her carefully, playing with a lock of her dark brown hair as she turned her gaze away once she had decided she was staring too long. The next was a woman who was quite a lot taller, but wearing a rather plain dress that seemed more suitable to work in. She had beautiful blonde hair that was pulled up in a rather quick fashion, her blue eyes studying her carefully but taking a step back for the man, who took a step forward, hiding his concern with a handsome smile that caused the little dimples in his cheek to pop out in a rather cute way, "Ah, I see you're awake... I take it you had a nice nap, did you?"

This man seemed a little different then the two. There was an air of nobility he held that they did not have. Maybe the one girl on the other side of the room had a little, but he just seemed all around different; In attitude, in appearance, in confidence. It was a feeling that made you want to trust him, made you want to relax. Some may find it intimidating, but she did not find it so, "Yes... It was quite pleasant," She wouldn't lie that her voice was surprising to hear. She couldn't remember the last time she spoke... Or if she ever had before.

At her reply, the man smiled even wider then before, letting out a soft chuckle that sound like music to her ears, "A cheeky one, are we now! Well, it's nice to meet you, my name is Namjoon Pendragon. You're in a place called the Kingdom of Camelot. And if you can, well, remember, may I ask what your name is?"  

He had asked what her name was, but she couldn't get her mind off what he just said. Camelot. Was that not where the voice told her to go? But as she carefully looked up at his hair, it was not black, but a soft brown colour that she could almost call grey. It was not him... So who could it be? But the man had asked her a question, and in the meantime, she might as well answer it, Salem.

"My name is Sa-"

"Sorry I'm late," The door opened once more, and this time everyone turned to it, the girl who went by Ivory even muttering 'Thank goodness you're here' under her breath as he arrived. But as the man turned to look up and set his eyes on her, it was if as both of them were shocked for a moment, their eyes connecting as if it just seemed to good to be true. For there, standing before her, was a man with raven black hair.


Hi guys! Thanks for reading the prologue. I know it was a long one, but I wanted to get through some points before I moved on to chapter one. 

So if you hadn't noticed, yes Namjoon is the future King Arthur. I thought that fit him best. So far we've also been introduced to both Morgana and Guinevere, if you guys can tell them apart! Oh, and one second of Merlin... Shhhh

Inspiration for this AU came from To The Edge of the Sky by Aeon Dreams. I know the concepts are a lot different, but I really like the idea of the boys being in an alternate universe. Please check out their game, it's a demo in the making but I myself love it! And if you love BTS then you'll like it too ;)

Below I'm leaving a link to my WeHeartIt, where I have pictures saved to a collage with visual representation of each character (Especially with all the different hair colours BTS has Dx). Hope you guys enjoy! See you next chapter :)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2018 ⏰

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