Fiction Awards 2018 Winner in Best Teen Fiction Story, Best Humour Story & Best Wattpad book turned published!
Book 1 in the Rules series. Available on Amazon.
Ranked #1 in Teen Fiction & Completed on 05/11/2017
''Whatever you'r...
"Are you still mad?" I asked Kendrick, who had been ignoring me during the whole ride home.
''Mad? Why would I be mad? You just became the target to my enemies. That's no big deal." He said sarcastically
''Hey. Are you seriously blaming me for this? How was I supposed to know that you were going to some creepy meeting with Haze Adams?" I said.
''Yes, I'm blaming you Winter. You could have just stayed home and none of this would have happened."
''Mariah was right. They are bad influences." I barked and tried to walk around him but he stopped me.
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''Them? Winter, I'm the leader of the gang. Me, not Will, Alex or Blake. Me. Doesn't it ring a bell? They're not bad influences. I am." He yelled out of his mind.
''Fine. You are a troubled kid. Congrats! But that still doesn't explain why you made a deal with him with me as the prize?"
''Do you think I had a choice, Winter? You don't know anything about this guy. Haze is the kind of guy to say If I can't have it, no one can."
''What is that supposed to mean? He would have hurt me if you had said no to the deal?" I asked
''That's a possibility, yeah. Now, I hope nobody's going to hear about this incident. Because they can't know I have someone to protect. Love is weakness." He clenched his fists.
''What about Kassidy? And Mariah?Don't you have to protect them too?"
''No, I don't because they never followed me during my meetings, you see? Nobody knows about them. I'm just Kendrick, the leader of the East Side gang."
''Why does he want me in the first place? Why?"
''That's the thing with him. There are two options. Either he doesn't give a single crap about you but he knows I don't want him anywhere near you so he does that to piss me off or he really sees something in you. And to be honest, I don't know which one is worse."
''You're going to win that battle, right? Or whatever it's called?"
''We have to, because if we don't, there will be nothing I can do for you."
''Oh god. Why couldn't you be just a normal cousin who plays soccer and steals my phone?" I sighed
''Why couldn't you just be my ugly cousin that nobody likes? This would have never happened. Also, What were you thinking looking him in the eyes, Winter ? This is pure provocation in the street fighters community." He asked
''I didn't know that, Gee. How was I supposed to? I'm new in town, remember? I'm not jesus or something. Nobody told me -Hey Winter, see this guy? He's a criminal. Don't look at him.- ''
''One week in Florida and you've already drawn attention to yourself." He rolled his eyes
''I'm sorry. Okay? I really am. If I could, I'd leave you alone with your street fighters stuff and go back to Canada in the blink of an eye but I can't. '' I put my face in my hands, unable to handle all the guilts anymore.