Chapter Four: Answers

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Chapter Four: Answers

“Everything.” I said honestly setting moving my water out of the way. That wasn’t a very good answer, in fact that wasn’t the answer Ash was looking for because the way he looked at me was a unimpressed look. “You were explaining what you meant by ‘we’re connected’ in the restaurant before the waitress interrupted our moment.” Ash sat up.

“I’m glad you wanted to start from right there, it makes explaining everything else a lot easier.” He said. “Alright, so as I was saying, I’m connected to you and you’re connected to me. We’re bound together as mates by the spirits.” He said.

“Mates.” I said bluntly.

“Yes, mates.” He said.

“Spiritual how?” I asked. He took a swig of his beer and laughed, then ran a hand through his hair.

“You won’t believe it. Our species belief system.” He said. I raised a brow.

“What ‘species’ are you besides Homo sapien sapien?” I asked.

“I’m a hybrid—the last, I’m part Canis lycanthropicus, which is a werewolf, and I’m part shifter.” He said I opened my mouth to say something but he instantly continued before I could make out any words. “You see, being a shifter isn’t necessarily a species because it can change into more than just one species. With werewolves they have what you would call a destined wife or a destined lover which is a mate—a soul mate. And what werewolves need their mates for is for procreation, strength, and pride. Shifters are all gone, there’s no more in the world. I’m the last; no one knows I’m a shifter except your brother and Kyle. No one likes shifters because they vary in strength—sometimes they’re stronger than werewolves depending on if they’re purebred or mixed. I just so happen to be mixed with the most powerful werewolf of all time Raziel Devereux, which makes me a very dangerous man. I know you don’t believe me, but I would love for you to pretend like you understand what I’m talking about and pretend like you understand.”

By that time I was up pacing, walking back and forth in my heels trying to make sense of what he was saying, I was a smart girl 5.0 GPA all IB classes, I know I can grasp what he’s saying, that’s not the problem, it’s believing what he’s saying. I turned to him ready to say something but I couldn’t form the words just right so I began pacing once again my heels tapping on the floor. Finally I was able to gather everything together and phrase it in a way that we would both understand.

“To sum up everything you’ve said, you’re telling me that you’re a mixed breed animal and that you’re my mate and I’m your mate, and that the reason why Kai and Kyle aren’t cool with you anymore is because you’re extremely powerful and they’re jealous.” I said and sat down.

“That’s not the reason why they hate me.” Ash said, he ran another hand through his hair which made my heart flutter. Before I could even form the word ‘why’ he was already explaining, “the reason why Kai and Kyle hate me so much is because the first time I met you I knew right away that we were mates because of the way I was drawn to you. You were only four years old.”

“Kai and Kyle know about werewolves?” I asked the reality hitting me hard. Kai laughed hard.

Know about werewolves? They are werewolves.” Ash said then sucked in a sharp breath. “I probably shouldn’t have told you that.” I got back up and began pacing again.

“Why not, why weren’t you gonna tell me?” I asked.

“Because he should tell you himself, that’s your brother, your blood.” He said. “Just like Kyle’s my brother, my blood.” I stopped dead in my tracks and blanked.

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