1 - The Start Of It All

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It was 8:24pm practice had ended 3 hours ago and everyone had gone home except the 4 other boys he had to work with in a part. They were all in another room upstairs except Owen.
Owen was the last one in there and the boys shut off all the lights not knowing he was in there. In a sudden panic of the darkness he had fallen from the beams above the stage and frantically tried to grab the ropes that held up the curtains as he slid off the beams and started falling when he had a tight grip on the ropes. Within seconds he stopped. His wrists were in immense pain as he screamed in pain when rope burns formed on his wrists and hands. He was still screaming thinking his wrist may have been broken in the fall. He struggled carelessly in search of a way to freedom. His phone was in his pocket so he couldn't call his friends for help and they were already long gone and unable to hear his screams of pain. Was he going to be stuck here until the next afternoon when someone finds him hanging there. He kept screaming for help hoping someone was in the halls but after a good 5 minutes of yelling there was still no response. Owen hated it but he started to cry from the pain he was having still screaming for help as his voice started to become scratchy and he choked on his words before finally stopping and falling into silent crying losing hope in any type of rescue.
-------- Time Skip 1 hr and 23 Mins--------

Owen hung by his wrists feet slightly above the ground in the auditorium having had his wrists caught in the curtain lines.
The pain in his wrists had finally gone way as he grew numb to the pain over time. He than heard voices in the hall way and weakly cried out for help voice barely audible to even himself, Owen slowly started to cry again and shake in fear of not begin heard as he tried to scream for help again but all that came out was a broken cry that could barely be heard. He hung his head down crying as glassy tears hit the stage floor and he lost hope again.
Suddenly in the right corner of the auditorium a light suddenly cast on the walls as two people walked in.
Owen instantly looks up and starts crying for help but only weak whispers come out from straining his voice so much.
He could hear them walking around though they seemed they did not notice Owens weak calls for help. The door had closed and it was again pitch black but they walked around for a bit when before they shine dim lights that light up a bit of the stage just enough catch glimpse of two legs hovering slightly above the stage they jumped back and the light went off before they slowly turned it back on again enough to see a bit more than the legs. Within seconds a boy was seen hanging and soon they discovered it to be Owen. He shut his eyes from the sudden light source and tugged on his wrists a bit to cover his eyes before being realizing he was still restricted.
The boys gasped and sprinted to the stage and started panicking.
"Owen are you okay? How long have you been in here? What happened to you!" Brandon asked worried. Brendan was running looking around for help when the noise had drawn in Gram, Riley and Ben as well. They walked into seeing a boy tied up and hanging by his wrists and Brandon and Brendan trying to help him out. They started to walk down before they realized it was Owen and practically flew onto stage.
Owens voice was scratchy and weak from struggling so much.
"I-it's b..... een t-two ho....ours"
"Gram go get owen some water he needs it. " Brendan took lead.
Gram ran off to go get water for Owen as the rest tried to figure out ways to get him loose. They searched all over and they tried pulling the curtains out but it was tangled around and as soon as they did Owen screamed in pain. The boys instantly jumped back and the curtain fell dropping Owen down a bit again roughly pulling on his wrists as Owen suddenly screamed out in absolutely bloody murder. Soon they saw his sweatshirt sleeve dye itself a deep red and they ran up to him and pulled down his sleeve to see harsh cuts on his wrist from rope burns that had ripped open. Brandon recognized that there was a loop hole a bit higher up and if they could push Owen up a bit higher he could slip his hands through. They all saw it and thought of ways to do it without hurting Owen. The boys agreed to lift him up a bit and he would slide his wrist though. Owen was ready to go. Brendan stood behind Owen and Brandon stood in front of him while others watched out for when he would lose the support of the curtains holding him up. They slowly lifted Owen up watching out for his bloody wrists. Once he was high enough up he weakly pulled his hands out and slowly waved back and fourth before the boys lost their grip and he fell back towards the ground. Brendan and Brandon caught Owen in their arms and they slowly brought him down and lie him down on the ground. The boys sat around Owens body and he held his right wrist close to his chest so they instantly knew something was wrong.
Aside from the blood they grabbed his right arm and laying it out flat to the side of him and they felt up and down his arm for anything wrong. It was all fine until they got to his wrist and he jerked his arm back and cried out in pain. The boys stared in shock as they realized what was wrong.
His wrist was broken.
Owens wrist...
It was broken.
They all instantly hugged Owen and held him close comforting him as they were given bandages they supported his arm and held it in place and wrapped cloth around his wrists to stop the bleeding. They than got a wrist brace and put that on his right wrist and wrapped that to almost giving him like a cast. They allowed him to lean back into their arms and they all embraced the sleepy boy as he slowly blacked out.

- Time 10:45 pm -

------ Time Skip ------

- Time 11:06 pm -

Brendan started his car and they set Owen in the back seat between Gram and Brandon so they could support him on the way back to Brendan's house. Riley sat in the back with Ben.

Soon one of them spoke up.
"How could we let this happen to Owen?" Brandon asked.
"Owen is probably the most innocent out of any of us here. Why was he the one that got hurt!" Brandon stated from the back.

Brandon held Owen a bit closer and Gram gave Owen his jacket and they let Owen sleep for a bit after everything he has been though tonight.

Brandon looked in the back to see Ben and Riley fast asleep and than looked at Gram. He looked like he was fading in and out of reality. In a soft voice he told Gram to sleep since it was going to be a long night.

Slowly Gram laid his head back against the seat and fell into unconscious.

Brendan glanced in the mirror to see all five boys in the back asleep.

- Time 11:52 -

------ Time Skip -------

- Time 12:56 -

Brendan took them to his house though drove around for awhile to allow them some rest. Especially Owen.

Once they got to his house he went inside and left them out in the car for a bit as it was running. He set up some beds and got a bunch of blankets and made room in his bed for Owen so he could get the best possible support for tonight. He called Owens and everyone else's parents and told them what happened and that he has everyone with with him.

He than went out the the car and slowly picked up Gram into his arms and brought him inside the house carful not to wake him up. He set Gram on the sofa and gently lied out a blanket on top of the sleeping boy. He than ran out to go grab Brandon. He brought him inside and set him on the other side of the sofa and put another blanket on him.
Next he went back out to the car and carefully took hold of Owen. Very slowly he picked the sleeping teenager up and carried him upstairs into his bedroom.
He than ran back down and got ben from the back and set him on one of the air mattresses in the living room.
He than went out and got Riley and carried him in to set him down on another bed inside.
Brendan parents were away for the next weekend so it was fine to have them over.
He than shut off the car and shut off the lights in the house and checked on everyone before going back upstairs to get some rest himself.
------ End Chapter 1--------

AN - Hey hey. These are real life people that... don't really. Know I'm writing this.
I go back to my writing cave now.

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