1 Year

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Amazing song by Sia - Unstoppable
Rhea POV
1 year.
1 single year.
     It has been one year since the worst day of my life. The day I found out I have special powers, the day my mother died, the day my family rejected me, and the day I became the lowest of the low. I have tried so hard to prove to my father that I am not a disgrace or disappointment, that it was not my fault. I am treated as nothing. Kiki is the only other animal that speaks to me. Father has made a threat that anyone who talks to me gets kicked out of the herd. Since it is so hard to be a lone horse in the wild, no one disobeys him.
     Whenever we stop and eat/drink, father or I guess I should call him leader makes me drink from the part of the river that is filthy. He also make sure I only have enough food for me to survive.
     Since my life doesn't really matter, I have to stay and protect the herd if we were ever to be attacked. So far over the past year we've been attacked by two other kinds of animals. We have been attacked by wild wolves, and Mountain lions. If it wasn't for Kiki, I would not have survived this last year. Her healing power is amazing! She is able to remove all the pain, all the injuries, and any scars. The worst injury I've gotten so far is a broken leg. A broken leg is a death sentence for we couldn't walk. Kiki was able to fix that up in less time than minor scratches heal. Though it is just a reminder to all of the other horses that I am different.
     Two months ago Kiki and I turned three. When a horse reaches the age of three they are able to start learning how to defend the herd. The leader of my herd makes sure that I don't train at all. He likes it when I am weak. So whenever he is out of sight, I train. Kiki tells me what the other horses are doing and tells me if I am doing it the same as them. I figured I might as well know how to fight for when I leave this herd or get kicked out. I don't know which one I would rather happen.
     Iris and Crios don't give me a second look. Whenever they see me it is only disgust in their eyes.
     Today we are stopped at a grass plain and are told that we are going to be staying here for a little bit. I decide to go and explore.
"Where do you think you are going?" Asks Leader coming over to me with a look of disgust on his face. " I am going exploring to know my surroundings."" Who says you can explore. You need to babysit the little foals." Leader exclaims pushing and nipping me over to the foals.
     I hate watching the foals because all they do is attack me and hurt me. They are actually pretty good at fighting because they are aloud to watch the others train. So I am pretty much their opponent and they keep attacking me until I pass out. The worst thing though is that when I come to "father" comes over and yells at me for not watching the foals. He then would tell me that I am not to have any food.
I slowly walked over to the foals and mentally prepared myself for the beating. As I was walking over I heard voices from the forest to my left. It sounded like no other species I ever heard of.
"Kiki?" "Yea Rhea?" "Can you do me a favor and see what kind of animal is over in the forest?" She nodded her head and flew off. I continued walking over to the foals when I heard Kiki screaming, "Run! Make the herd run! They are humans!! Run! Run!" I quickly turned to my right and ran to my leader. I waited anxiously as he was talking. "Hurry just interrupt! This is important!" Kiki was yelling at me.
"Lea..Leader?" I said with a shaky voice. "What do you want you worthless piece of trash. I am having a very important discussion and you just had to interrupt."leader started yelling at me slowly getting closer and closer to me. The horses he was talking to, the second and third command, were snickering at my face. " I overheard voices in the forest sir, they are humans. They are planning to round us up whatever that means." I said slowly backing away. He laughed! "Please like I would believe that sick joke. I told you never to use your 'powers' for they curse us all. Go back to the foals, I will deal with you later." He said turning back to his friends kicking me once he is fully turned around. I fell on the floor While his friends were laughing. I get up and turn around slowing walking back to the foals staring at me ready to attack.
Once I reach them, I hear a voice saying, "We have to surround them. None of them have seemed to sense us yet. Take that to our advantage. We will push them to go north to where we have the arena set up. Make sure you don't let any get away. Especially the black and white one by those foals. We could get a pretty penny for her." I am so distracted listening that I don't see the foals running towards me ready to attack. Once I noticed it was too late. They pushed me to the ground and began kicking and biting at me. I decided to just lay there and let the dark consume me.
I woke up a little while later with Kiki next to me catching insects. I slowly stood up and turned to Kiki. "How long have I been out this time?" Is asked while looking up at the sky. "About two hours," she said looking up from her bugs. That is when I heard it. The signal for the humans to begin 'rounding us up' whatever that means.
Soo.... whatcha think?!
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Can we please get 40 reads on my book? We have 30 now!! Thank you all sooooo much.
P.S. this chapter is 1087 words long. <3<3<3<3

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