chapter 2~

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You were having a really weird dream about the blonde and konoha,They were fighting over you.

You were shaking and the blonde turned to the softly,sleeping,beautiful you,He laughed and pecked your cheek.He kisses you on the lip.Your eyes opened a bit,Blondey sat up blushed for a minute or two when the door was opened.

"(Y/n)? what are you doing here?"Konoha peeped through the door holding a plushy.He looked adorable."Why were you kissing Kano?"Kano? oh the blonde,

"Kissing?"you looked at kano and he just smiled.A light shade of pink covered your cheeks,And you got up and left the boys.You limped into a room,The kitchen and a girl with green hair smiled at you.

"Your alright we were starting to worry,The blood just wouldn't stop"Blood OMG IM BLEEDING!? You screamed in your mind and sat next to her,A blonde and a white haired girl walked in the place.

"Who's this"The-Oh wait i've seen her she was asking for konoha.The white haired girl hid behind her.

"I'm (Y/n)"

"Well,I'm Kido and these are Momo and Mary,"The green haired girl got up and left.

"Whoa,Is Konoha yelling?He never is mad at anyone!"Momo said

"Mary-san are you alrigh-"A brunette walked in and she ran to him

"Seto your home!!!!!!!"He looked handsome aswell,Uhhh why are all guys adorable

"Hey who are you?"She smiled in the cutest way and you died on the inside.

"(Y-Y/n)"You spit out,The blon-Kano walked out

"Back off I found her first"He murmered to Seto and went to you."Hey wanna go on a date later?"You heart speed up it's pace.You've never gone on a date with anyone and your mind wasn't set on a guy yet.

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