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Mallory: Why are you here?! How?!?
Ethan: Not to be creepy, but we tracked your phone haha
Elijah: I needed to deliver you the Perfect Potato Chips
Mallory: Umm...okay?
Elijah: Hahaha
Mallory's mom: STRANGERS HELP
Mallory: This is Elijah and Ethan, you know?
Mallory's mom: oh...ok
Mallory: Come in!!
Elijah: The Perfect Potato Chips for the perfect girl
*Hand potato chips to Mallory and they both blush*
Ethan: You got any extra rooms?
Mallory: We have two blow up matresses
Elijah: Noice

---3 hours later---
Mallory: The matresses are ready!!
Elijah: *jumps on matress*
Ethan: *jumps on top of Elijah*
Ethan and Elijah: C'mon!
Mallory: *jumps on both of them*
Ethan: So glad you entered the wrong number
Elijah: I forgot to get Mike's real number oh no!!!

They all started laughing. They got ready and into their seperate beds.
Elijah: Goodnight Mallory
Mallory: Goodnight!

Elijah And The Wrong NumberWhere stories live. Discover now