I've been tagged by BloomingBernice thanks for tagging me!
13 Facts About Me!
1. I like food.
2. I'm sick with a really bad cold where I almost had to go to the hospital to stay over night. But I'm feeling better so alls good.
3. I have a tiny crush on someone but they don't like me sadly.
4. Books are my escape from reality.
5. I'm 14 years old.
6. I'm in love with many fictional characters.
7. I was sleeping 20 minutes ago.
8. I wanna go to Neverland.
9. My latest report card my average is 90%
10. My nosy is stuffy from my cold right now. I need to blow it but I don't want to get up. 😂
11. Boys nowadays treat girls bad and cheat on them and that has happened to me. I'm teaching my brother how to not be like that so one day a lucky girl will actually have a good guy.
12. I'm waiting for my clothes to come from the mail and they still hasn't came yet so I'm frustrated.
13. I finished this now I can go and read books here on Wattpad.
Tag 15 people well I'm just going to say whoever sees this your tagged!