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Louis and Harry spent the rest of the evening wrapped up in each other's arms.  They danced under the twinkly lights, and occasionally Harry would peck Louis's cheek or tell him that he looked stunning.  Thankfully, nobody looked at the two boys oddly or judged them because, well, they'd always been rather touchy-feely.  The other students just accepted it.

            Harry had already long forgotten about Lexi (who was now making out with her new older boyfriend in the corner).  Instead, Harry focused on the beautiful boy in front of him.  He squeezed Louis's waist and pulled him closer.  He smiled softly, pink blush rising to his cheeks.  They swayed back and forth to the soft beat of a slow song.

            "I'm not sure if I can do this," Louis breathed into his neck.  Harry could feel him shudder slightly in his touch.

            Harry frowned, lifting up his chin.  "Do what?"

            "This," he hummed. "Us, together.  I feel like I'm a replacement for Lexi.  And I— I can't just be a rebound for you."

            "You're not," Harry answered quickly.  "You're my best friend.  You mean everything to me.  We grew up together, Lou.  I think I've always liked you, deep down, since the day we met— when you were sitting on your front porch steps wearing those cute little heart-shaped sunglasses."

            Louis giggled, hiding his face into Harry's neck.  Harry chuckled and kissed his hair lightly.

            "Oh my God.  I used to act like such a girl," Louis said, embarrassed.  He bit his lip and glanced up at Harry shyly.

            "Used to?" Harry said jokingly.

            Louis rolled his eyes.  "Oi, don't push it, Styles.  I don't act like that anymore."

            "Yeah, I guess so," he hummed.  "But you are still my little prince."

            "And you're still a dork."

            Anne picked the two boys up from the school after the dance ended, at 9:00 P.M. on the dot.  She didn't suspect a thing as they climbed into the minivan, hands interlocked.  After all, they'd always been rather handsy with each other.  She smiled fondly in the rear-view mirror as they filed into the backseat.  The van was rather messy and smelled like rotting garbage, but Harry tried his best not to scowl as he nudged the empty soda can on the floor to the side with his toe.  He reminded Louis to put on his seat belt as Anne drove out of the school's lot.

            "How was the dance?" she asked nonchalantly.

            "It was good," Harry hummed. Next to him, Louis giggled childishly, and Harry just laughed back.  It was their own little secret.

            "Did you dance together?" she wondered.  Her eyes darted back to them as the car came to a stop at the red light.

            Louis blushed.  "Yeah, we danced together," he murmured.  And under his breath, he muttered, "and other things."

            Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Harry smirking, holding back his laughter.

            Anne nodded, pleased with the response.  She was happy they were spending so much time together.  She adored their friendship.

            "Would you like the stay the night at our house, Lou?" Anne asked, seeing as it was a Friday night.

            She always offered her house to Louis without hesitation, not that Harry minded.  But she knew Louis's home "situation" wasn't the best, so she wanted to help in any way she could.  She knew that he didn't get much attention from Joseph or his mum, but she didn't know exactly what went on inside that house across the street.  But in Louis's opinion, it was a good thing that she didn't know because if she did, she'd inevitably want to get involved and help.  That would only make things worse.

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