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Fluttershy was the first one up the next morning, surprised to see Rainbow Dash fast asleep still. She decided that she'd take a short walk by herself.
Fluttershy stepped out into the bueatiful misty morning, seeing that plenty of other pegasi were already up. One of them being Thunderstar. She was just walking around, looking at thinks. Fluttershy galloped up to her.
"Good morning Thunderstar, you're sure out early." Fluttershy said with a happy smile.
"Yeah, just woke up and needed some air." Thunderstar said without making any eye contact with her.
"It is really nice out today. Would you want to do some flying with me?"
"Where's Rainbow Dash?" Thunderstar asked ignoring her question.
"She was still in bed when I got up. She much be pretty tired from the last few days. She can fly with us later.. if that's okay."
"It's whatever. Where are you two from again?"
"A little village called Ponyville. Why do you ask?"
"I was just wondering if I've heard of it." Thunderstar said quickly and she started to walk away.
"Where are you going? Do you not want to fly?" Fluttershy called to her.
"Not right now." Thunderstar said without even turning around.
"Okay, uh, see you later." Fluttershy called again. Thunderstar didn't say anything this time and kept walking. Fluttershy turned around just as Rainbow Dash took a quick landing next to her. "Oh, Rainbow, you're up."
"Yeah, glad I found you. The eight level courses look great! Let's go get you started. It's been awhile..."
"Wait, eight level? But I'm a six. I can't try eight..."
"I bet you could," Rainbow reassured. "But if you'd rather just try seven we can do that."
"But... I'm not seven either..."
"Well you can't hang at six forever, trying the next level help you get better faster."
"I guess you're right."
"So do you want to try?"
"Yeah... seven, I'll try seven." Fluttershy smiled.
"Great let's go!" Rainbow rushed there but kept back tracking for Fluttershy. "You're keeping up better than you used to, you really have been improving."
"I guess so, but I'm still not ready for eight."
They both arrived at a seven level course where they found Blossomforth. She turned around to see them and gave a big smile.
"Hey guys! You must be busy! Glad to see you here." She greeted.
"Good to see you too. How's flying?"
"Oh it's great. I've been practicing a lot at level eight, I think I might even reach nine today! I'm here to watch some friends right now though."
"Oh, so you've really been practicing." Fluttershy said with slight disappointment.
"No worries Fluttershy, you'll be up there with me soon." Blossomforth said with going a pat on the back.
"And you got me to get you there." Rainbow added with a wink and a shoulder nudge.
"Yeah... I can do it." Fluttershy said trying to sound confident to herself.
"Then let's get started!" Rainbow smiled.
Rainbow and Fluttershy worked hard on their flying skills all morning until they were exhausted and went to get a big lunch together along with Blossomforth.
"I was talking to Thunderstar about flying with us, but she didn't seem very interested..." Fluttershy said.
"She's really isolated. Maybe she's just uncomfortable with socializing like that." Blossomforth guessed before stuffing her face with food.
"It could also be me..." Rainbow said.
"Oh Rainbow... Maybe you should try talking to her privately." Fluttershy said.
"But what if she doesn't want to? She'll just walk away from me."
"You can at least try..." Fluttershy said softly.
"Yeah, you're right. I have to find her first..." Rainbow Dash got up from the lunch table and went off to find her. After a bit of walking she spotted her in the distence.
"Hey! Thunder-"
"Rainbow Dash!" Soarin suddenly appeared from out of the sky and landed in front of her.
"Oh Soarin," Rainbow couldn't help but smile. "Great to see you but I have to..." she looked passed him and could no longer see Thunderstar anywhere.
"Have to what?" Soarin asked turning to see where she was looking.
"Never mind." Rainbow muttered. "I was hoping to go talk to Thunderstar, but I lost her."
"Oh, I'm sorry. Did I get in the way?" Soarin said dropping his ears.
"No, you're fine. I'm sure she still doesn't want to talk to me anyway..."
"If so, then she's pretty stuborrn. Everyone else let it go."
"Yeah, that's why I wonder if maybe it's something else..."
"Well I'll help you look for her if you'd like, then I'll leave..."
Rainbow gave a light smile. "Thank you Soarin. We could hang out later, too."
"That sounds great, you know I'd love too." Soarin smiled. The two went in search again for Thunderstar. They found her on her way into her site.
"I guess I'll see you later then..." Rainbow said.
"Yeah, I'll see ya." Soarin smiled and kissed her forehead passionatly. "Bye." He added.
Rainbow blushed. "Bye bye..." she smiled. Soarin flew off and Rainbow turned to her site and walked in. She saw Thunderstar sitting on her bed looking out the window.
"Hi Thunderstar..." Rainbow said walking closer to her bed.
Thunderstar took a long pause before she decided to say anything. "Hi." She said flatly.
"Um, everything okay? I mean, you're not still too upset with me are you..?"
Thunderstar lowered her eyebrows at the feel of Rainbow stepping closer to her bed. "Who even said I was?"
"Well... you never made it obvious if you were forgiving of me or not... You know I'm really sorry about everything... Even ask Fluttershy, this is the first time I was even dumb like that."
"I really don't care."
"Oh..." Rainbow didn't know what else to say.
"Did you and Fluttershy go flying?" Thunderstar suddenly asked.
"Uh, yeah. We were at it all morning. She's really getting better... She said something about you possible flying with us later..."
"Yeah. I didn't want to."
"Was it me? Did you just not want to be around me?" Rainbow asked nervous.
"I didn't feel like flying." Thunderstar said coldly.
"Oh, okay. Well you are always welcome to when you do feel like it..."
"Thanks." Thunderstar said quickly and simply.
There was a pause. "So are we on good terms?"
"Well, yes or no?"
"Fine. Just quit asking." Thunderstar said as her tone got angry.
"Sorry, I just wanna be sure..." Rainbow said lightly. She got no reply and waited in silence. "Um, I guess I'll go find Fluttershy now. You can join us if you want."
"Yeah, yeah."
Rainbow left her alone and went out to find Fluttershy. She was surprised to see her with a mare. A mare Rainbow didn't know. He had a white coat and a darker tone of a cream colored mane with bangs swifted to one side. Rainbow was even more surprise to see that he was hitting on her, and she giggled at his flirting.
"Fluttershy," Rainbow said stepping up quickly.
"Oh, Rainbow." Fluttershy said like she was shocked to see her.
"Who's this?" Rainbow asked gesturing her head at the stranger mare.
"Oh, um, t-this is Cloud Swifter, a new friend of mine..." Fluttershy said feeling shy.
"It's a pleasure to meet you in person Rainbow Dash." He smiled charmingly.
"How do you know my name?" Rainbow asked in suspision as she flew up into his face.
"I've seen you in the papers before, and Fluttershy has told me a thing or two about you."
"Hmm..." Rainbow said stepping back.
"Do you mind if I hang out with him tonight Rainbow? He wanted to show me some flying things." Fluttershy asked sweetly.
"Well, I better be able to trust him with one of my best friends."
Cloud Swifter gave a surprised look. "What could I do? I'd never do anything to harm... Fluttershy..." He said her name in a sweet tone as he turned his head to smile at her. Fluttershy turned away her smile and blushed.
"Ugh, just be careful with her. Got it?"
"Of course." Cloud Swifter smiled.
Rainbow turned to Fluttershy.  "Soarin was hoping to spend some time with me later too, so this works out pretty good."
Fluttershy smiled. "Yeah, guess I'll see you later tonight then."
"Yeah, have fun."
Fluttershy giggled. "We will..."
"But not too much." Rainbow shot back.
"Oh Rainbow, you know me better than that." Fluttershy said waving a hoof.
"Yes, but just sayin'. See ya." Rainbow said ready to take off.
"See you Rainbow Dash." Fluttershy smiled, then Rainbow was gone, leaving her signature rainbow streak in the air.
Rainbow went off to find Soarin around his site. He trotted out as soon as Rainbow Dash was near. "Hey my beautiful Rainbow." He smiled.
"Oh? You never called me that before."
"It would've been weird."
Rainbow laughed. "Not really. I wouldn't mind anyway..." Rainbow twisted her hoof in the dirt.
Soarin grew a big smile. "Well I guess you'll get used to it. I always did think you were very beautiful."
"Oh stop it. You don't mean that." Rainbow smiled giving him a shove.
"I do, but whatever." Soarin smiled as he rolled his eyes.
"You know, I'm really glad I opened up to you. I just hated it so much to have feelings for some pony. It was weird, I mean. I'm a tough pony. Too busy and hard core for love..."
"Rainbow, love is for any pony. Not just the 'soft' ones."
"Yeah, but I still felt weird about it. I've never thought about love before..."
"Well I'm here to make you think about it more." Soarin smiled with a wink.
"If you insist," Rainbow laughed. "How did it go between you and the other Wonderbolts about our runaway?"
"Oh, well Spitfire wasn't thrilled, but she got over it since we're at a camp where we can be a little more laied back." Soarin explained.
"That's good then, huh?"
"Yeah, very good." Soarin laughed. "But I get a break again. Wanna go do something romantic?"
"Yeah, dinner, dancing, moon light walk..."
Rainbow laughed. "Oh Soarin..."
Rainbow enjoyed a long night of crazy shananagans with Soarin and gave him a big kiss good night after he flew with her back to her site. Rainbow watched him fly off as she always did. She was about to go inside when she heard a faint noise nearby. She went around the corner of the building to see two pegasi hidden around some thin bushes. Rainbow peaked through to see it was Fluttershy and Cloud Swifter... kissing.

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