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It has been a few months since the strange disease had broke out and started killing it's first victims. The victims got brought back from the death, but craved something. Human flesh. That's what they wanted. They killed and infected these people too. The disease had stopped spreading, but the undead gave it to other people when they bit them. They'd get infected and get very sick before dying. Then waking up as one of the undead.

The scientist had locked themselves up to avoid getting the disease before finding the cure, but one of them had got bitten and infected the other scientists as well. They became undead as well. This meant there wasn't a cure. No scientists, no cure. They were basically doomed. Many people had tried to find the cure, but without succes.

The world around them seemed to have changed as well. Colours seemed less colourful, more grayscaled than before. Like nature had became undead as well.

The sun had stopped shining. Clouds always covered the sky. It stormed and rained a lot. It was like the world literally was ending. Well, it was.

Robert Bruce Banner was one of the scientists that had locked themselves up. He saw the people around them slowly turning. Screaming in agony as they slowly and painfully died. It eventually became too much. Bruce knew he had to leave and quick too. It was too dangerous. He had to find that cure. He wanted to stop this. Survive.

Bruce had grabbed his backpack and some food. They didn't have any weapons in the laboratory. Which was the main reason the scientists couldn't have defended themselves when the disease had spread through one of the scientists in the laboratory. They had managed to lock her up, but the disease spread and infected more. They couldn't stop them. Bruce even had killed one of the undead scientists.

Bruce remembered that he took one of the steel pipes they used to transfer fluids from flask to flask. He hit the undead scientist with it. Causing the undead scientist to fall. Bruce could hear the precious progress shattering on the ground as the Petri dishes, microscopes, beakers and graduated cylinders crashed to the ground. His eyes widened. He didn't hesitate as he grabbed the stuff he needed. The documents of the research as he ran out.

Bruce hadn't even thought of taking the steel bar with him. He had dropped it as he ran down the streets. Eyes flashing around in terror. He hadn't been outside since the start of the outbreak. It all seemed so different. Bruce got pulled away from his train of thoughts as he got tackled to the ground by an undead woman. Bruce roughly crashed to the floor. Holding out his hands to avoid crashing with his head in the floor. He turned around to face the woman.

The woman was blonde and had emerald green eyes. She would have been beautiful if she hadn't been infected by the disease. Her jaw was hanging open. Drool and blood dripping out of her mouth on Bruce's shirt. She let out an inhumane growl. One of her eyes rolled back in their sockets as she let out a shriek. Strands of hair had fallen out and her blonde hair was covered in dirt and blood. Blood dripped down her head. Covering most of her face.
The clothes the undead was wearing were ripped and covered in blood and dirt. She was limping badly. Dragging her left foot after her. She held out her hands to Bruce. Scratching his face and neck with her long red painted nails.

Bruce struggled to get away. Tears of fear filling his eyes. He had survived the first attack. Why couldn't he survive now?
That was his thought before he heard a loud gunshot.

Bruce felt a warm and thick fluid cover him. He had closed his eyes in a reflex. He heard a dull thud. The woman that had growled before. Didn't make a sound anymore.

When Bruce opened his eyes. He could see the woman lay on the ground by his side. Her head had exploded and Bruce was now covered in thick crimson blood. The scientist immediately sat up. Glancing over at something moving.

Bruce's eyes met with a familiar brown pair of eyes. The eyes belonged to a somewhat small male with short black hair and a goatee. He was wearing a black AC/DC t-shirt and was holding a shotgun.

Then it hit Bruce. He knew this man. Tony Stark. Famous rich guy, but that wasn't how Bruce knew him. Bruce knew this man personally. Tony Stark and Bruce Banner had met in high schools and quickly became rivals, but not long after they became friends. Even best friends. That was until Bruce Banner moved away for his new job in Mexico. Becoming the head of an experiment with gamma radiation. Things went downhill. Bruce got caught in the explosion and survived, but suffered from severe gamma radiation poisoning and other things. He hadn't talked to Tony in years now. Not since the accident. Bruce never had the guts to make contact with Tony anymore and now there he was. Tony Stark was standing right in front of him. At the end of the world.


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