Superhero Legends - White Hawk ://Chapter Fifteen//:

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Chapter Fifteen –

 Living in a small town meant that it was impossible not to run into people you knew. I was at the park with Ellora, Aveline, Pasiley and Paige when I saw, who else but James and his girlfriend Diana walking through the park. There was barely a moment’s hesitation before I was up off the picnic blanket we had set down and running across the park to James and Diana. It was a fairly big park but my sprint made it seem smaller.

James saw me first; “Felicity?”

I was slightly out of breath, giving him a chance to speak before I could.

“Listen, I’m sorry if I seem rude last night,”

I quickly cut him off.

“Actually, that’s what I wanted to talk to you about.” I glanced at Diana who was staring wide eyed at me. “Would we be able to talk in private?”

James looked at Diana; she nodded still looking confused and gave him a quick kiss on the lips before walking over to one of the larger trees. James watched her until she had sat down and pulled a magazine out of her bag. I almost laughed when I saw White Hawk on the cover.

“What’s wrong Felicity?”

I looked away from the picture of White Hawk and turned back to James feeling nervous but determined.

“I know who you are.”

James folded his arm and stood taller, and he was already towering over me as it was. “Yes, I’m James Brighton.”

“Not when you put on a red and green mask.”

“I don’t-”

I cut him off feeling frustrated. I was sick of being left in the dark.

Yes. You do.”

James’s eyes narrowed but then his shoulders slumped and the rest of his features calmed. His whole persona seemed to shout defeated. It was strange to see James so overpowered.

“I thought I was doing so well as this secret identity thing. How’d you know?” He asked, seeming to shrink in on himself. I looked at Diana to see if she had noticed James’s quick change in demeanour, but she was still engrossed in her magazine.

“It wasn’t you actually, it was Supreme Blonde. Once I’d figured out who she was, I began to wonder about other heroes, and when I saw you at the restaurant the other night, I wasn’t seeing you - I was seeing High Speed. It was only a presumption, but when you started acting funny I knew I was onto something.”

James nodded, looking at his feet. He looks over at Diana and then back at me, in the quick glance his whole face changes from defeated to relaxed.

“So who is Supreme Blonde?” James asks, changing the subject and throwing me a smile. “I’ve been dying to know.”

The words bubble on my lips, but then a thought occurs to me; should I really be revealing peoples real identities. I trusted James, but was it wise?

“You don’t know?” I ask, avoiding the question.

“No, it’s actually quite rare for us to know each other outside of our jobs.”

I’d never thought about that before, the fact that maybe they really didn’t know each other and the fact that this hero business was actually their job.

“So you don’t have a job as James?”


“Is being High Speed your only job?”

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