Who this bitch?!!

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Amir: no seriously who are you!?

Rowan: who do you think you are?!😠

Sabrina: and why were you with Corey 🙁


Cecelia: you didn't answer one question! WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU!??😡😡

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Cecelia: you didn't answer one question!

Peyton: and Waht do you want? 😠🤬

⬛️⬛️⬛️: COREY

Rowan: you're such a creep😦

Sabrina: ok hold up BITCH this isn't the ⬛️ show. He is MY boyfriend! 😠

⬛️⬛️⬛️: I KNOW, BITCH 😈

Corey: okay now you stepped to far, that's my girl here! Don't ever call her bitch again! 😡

Rowan: square you're dumb, if you don't say waht you want...

Sabrina: corey where were you between those times?

Corey: SAB...

Sabrina: Corey...

Rowan: uhm...🙄

Peyton:if you guys break up again

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Peyton:if you guys break up again... 🤧

Corey: we won't!

Sabrina: you don't tell me anything...waht am I supposed to do?!🤷🏼‍♀️

Amir:no pls don't!' 😩😲🤯

Cecelia: sab, I know you hate me, but please stay together...

⬛️⬛️⬛️:like u and Amir?!🤪😂

Amir: listen you freak! 😠
That's none of your business!! 😡


Peyton: besides waht?

Amir: forgot it

Rowan: LOL 😅😶🤐

Sabrina: back to the important things

Rowan: right #corbrina

⬛️⬛️⬛️: yeah Corey, where were you? 😏

Corey: Sabrina I'm so sorry!
Believe me..I

Sabrina: waht is it??

Corey: I..I cheated on you..

Sabrina left the chat


Rowan left the chat

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Rowan left the chat

Peyton: really corey..really?! 🙁

Peyton left the chat

Corey: guys..😔

Cecelia: that's just...

Amir:..embarrassing, disgusting, awful..🤬

Amir left the chat
Cecelia left the chat

Corey: HAPPY?!😡😡

⬛️⬛️⬛️: yeah!


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