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The breeze blows through my hair as I observe the garden of flowers around me. Today I decided to eat lunch in one of the school gardens. They really are beautiful, the flowers. Usually when I feel bad or need to clear my head I walk through the gardens, but today I sit on this bench, eating in the midst of beauty.

I feel out of place in the gardens. Not a bad out of place though. It's almost soothing. I understand that I'm different than the breathtakingly beautiful flowers that surround me and it's comforting. I'm okay with being different from these flowers. They don't mock me for not being as extravagant as they are. They welcome me with wind in my hair and fresh air in my lungs.

I take a deep breath and close my eyes, enjoying the solitude that I can envelop myself in within the garden. I'm so glad that the other students find the gardens boring; it leaves more quietness to me. I love how empty the space feels.

No noise, no chaos.

I'm always the only one that dances my fingertips along the surface of the cool pond during my lunch hour. Always the only one that breathes in the calming scents of all of the different flowers that grow in the perfectly manicured gardens. The only one that admires the soothing shades of greens and dark blues and sometimes yellows.

My favorite part of the gardens are the trees. There's one tree in particular that has a smooth bench hidden from the sun that rests in the shade. She's an old oak. Big and beautiful.

So, here I sit. Under the old oak tree. Eating my lunch. Thinking. Writing. Alone.

Always alone.

But I'm okay with this alone. I'm friends with the flowers, buddies with the butterflies and bees. Nature is so kind. Much, much kinder than the plastic flowers that walk through the halls of the school. They think they're so much better than everyone else. And those flowers do not welcome me like these flowers do. Those flowers are beautiful and they do not befriend anything other than that. You're looked down upon by them for being different and thinking different.

Sometimes I write about it. How alone I feel, that is. How different I am from the rest and how they know it. How I know it.

How brutal the other students can be.

The flowers.

The plastic flowers.

I put the last bite of my sandwich in my mouth and grab my pencil and notebook, glancing up at the universe.

The sky is extra blue today, wispy clouds gracing through it every now and then.

I write about that a lot, too, by the way. How the earth around me calms me and comforts me when everyone else turns their back. About how kind and nurturing these flowers are. The good flowers.

The gardens are my safe haven. Just mine. I don't feel selfish nor guilty for saying that. No one else appreciates it like I do, anyway. They don't know the secrets it holds like I do. And they don't care to find out.

Again, the gardens are my safe haven.

Or rather they were.

Before I met her.

And then it became our.

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to clear up any confusion, this chapter is in yoongi's point of view
even though this doesn't have any reads yet, i kind of like how the story turns out -in my head, that is

i hope i can make this work and i hope you enjoy

if you have any tips/advice don't be afraid to let me know !!

especially if there are any typos or grammatical errors !!

thank you for reading my story x

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