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AN: Just so y'all aren't confused, I'm going to be using Jeremy's birth name, Jaden, until he's out. But I will be using he/his/him pronouns, at least for the narrative part. Don't worry this is only till she comes out as a he.


Jaden/Jeremy's POV:
Sigh. It's been a long day. He barely made it to lunch. Probably because HE keeps getting misgendered as a SHE.


"Hey, watch it, lady!"

"Man up."

"Flat chest."

"Nice backpack, Girlf."

"What's your damage? That time of month?"

"That's so weird. Must be a girl thing."

"Wow. Pathetic."

"Why would anyone want to be with a girl like you."

"You're not like other girls, they at least look the part."



"Can I get an answer from one of the quiet girls? Jaden?"




"Jaden. JADEN!"

"MICHAEL!" Jaden's snapped out of reliving the day so far to see his best friend of twelve years sitting at their spot. They always sat at the same spot since the beginning of High School. It was originally the peanut allergy table but no one actually used it for fear of being an outcast, but hey Jaden and Michael didn't have anything to loose when it comes to that. It's a small, purple, square table in the corner of the cafeteria, perfect for the two of them (but also more if they got more friends). Purple was also the product of their two favorite colors, it was practically made for them.

Jaden walks over to the enthusiastically waving Michael and sets his lunch tray down. "How's it hangin'? How was class? Ya look like ass. What's wrong?"

Is it that noticeable that something's wrong? "Uh....I wrote....Chri-Christine a letter I feel." Lies. The letter was a quick journal entry to get his shitty feelings out. After the morning he had, he got a serious case of dysphoria.  Yeah that's right. He was born a she. Jeremy Heere was born Jaden Heere. Just no one knows that. Not even Michael. He knows that Michael would accept him...hopefully. Flat chest? Not because she's a late bloomer, she is just a he. After all, Jaden has his own credit card, he easily bought a binder.

"That's progress!" Oh right. Not only is Jaden trans, he's also bisexual! That's the part Michael knows about. Christine came when they reached Middle School, about halfway through sixth grade. The two got partnered up for a Chemistry project since they had that the same period. Michael had Chemistry at the end of the day, otherwise they would've partnered up. But yeah, I guess you could say Christine and him had Chemistry together. "Can I see it?" Shit.

"Yeah, uh...I tore it up and flushed it!" Jaden sorta squeaked at the end and inwardly cringed. Sure it's cute...for a girl, and that just makes Jaden feel worse.

"Eh....I guess it's still progress. Hey I saw on Discovery that humanity has stopped evolving!"

"Wait, really?"

"Yeah because the world is filled with judgmental pricks that make it so the younger generations can't advance!" Tell me about it.

"Yeah well, it's true...sadly." The two continue to complain how idiotic and straightminded the older generations are and how shitty high school is. They shared stories about stupid things kids did in their different classes. There's a lot Jaden and Michael talk about. That is, besides Jaden being a Jeremy. As far as Michael knows, Jaden is uncomfortable because she's unpopular, not because she is a he. But otherwise, for 'opposite' genders, the two were besties for forever and were surprisingly comfortable talking about things most people would consider awkward. Talking and eating with Michael definitely helped Jaden feel better after this morning, but, ya know, the world has to hate him and the lunch bell rang. I really don't feel like going back to class. Sighing, Jaden slides on his backpack again and picks up his empty lunch tray dejectedly. "The lunch period's gonna end soon so I'll be heading out."

Once Jaden completely left the cafeteria, Michael picked up the wad of paper and proceeded to un-crumple it. He scanned it over and pulled it closer to his chest before sprinting toward the bathroom. He couldn't risk anyone else reading it.

Dear journal,
Today has been a horrible day and here's why:

Because today you were constantly misgendered.

I'm a boy.

My genitals don't define who I am.

But unfortunately that's not how the rest of world thinks.

I mean LGBTQA+ is already a minority but genderqueer and trans are the minority of the minority.

It hurts so much. But I guess I can't expect anything if no one knows.

Not even Michael knows...

I can't risk losing the closest friendship with the love of my life, even if he'll never know it.

He would be so weirded out. Twelve years of thinking of your best friend as a completely different gender? Yeah, that would go over well...

At least I have comfort in little things like my binder and razor.

Well, Study Hall is almost over so bye I guess?

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