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Jeremy's POV:
Shit. Rich heard him say he has a crush on Michael. Well frick. "Yeah I do...but DON'T YOU DARE TELL ANYONE!"

Rich gave Jeremy a look that said 'you're asking too much of me' before rolling his eyes, "Uhhh...I'll think about doing that but I need you to meet me in the bathroom at passing."

Jeremy just blinks in confusion at Rich's utter idiocy, waiting for him to understand what is wrong with his request. Sure Jeremy identifies as male but even men who already have transitioned get picked on, so Jeremy wasn't exactly enthusiastic about going in there without having remotely transitioned. Rich, eventually, senses Jeremy's worry and 'reassures' him, "Don't sweat it. Most people are too grossed out to use them most of the time and those that do could care less. So you'll be fine. Especially if they see you talking to me." By now the teacher started to actually get on topic so Rich ends the conversation, "See ya around." Then he proceeds to scoot over to his own desk and out of Jeremy's PERSONAL FREAKING BUBBLE. I MEAN JEEZ PEOPLE ITS NOT THAT HARD!

<Time Skip brought to you by Tide Pods: If you can't eat 'em, eat 'em>

Jeremy hauls his tall ass and His Backpack™️ to the bathroom praying that Rich is right for once. He walks inside with mild curiosity at the suggestive domain of Axe deodorant and graffiti. So pretty much the same as girls' restrooms but with Axe instead of a shitload of mixed perfume scents and urinals.

Speaking of urinals, Rich is currently in the process of using one so Jeremy being the smol innocent child he is, he looked the other way. Once Rich finished his business, he started walking over to Jeremy. "Aren't you gonna wash your hands?"

"Psssh. What do you know about how boys work? That's not how things are done 'round...HEERE!" He's right. I DON'T know how boys work...wait did he just..?

"Rich, I swear to god I will kill your friends and family. Gah don't touch me until you've washed your hands."

"Fine." Jeremy let out a tiny sigh of relief at the sound of running water. "Now I wanted to talk to you about..." Rich looks around suspiciously even though the coast was completely clear because, ya know, it's Rich, he has to be dramatic. "...something. You want Michael to like you back?"

"Micha likes me-"

"-as more than a friend?" Jeremy hesitates. Sure he would like Micha to reciprocate his feelings but he doesn't want to force anything on him. Either way, Jeremy just stupidly nods in response. "Then I have the perfect thing for you! It's called a SQUIP and it helps you reach your goals! Imagine how much Michael would like you if you were actually cool!"

Rich is now excitedly spouting off information about the foreign pill that Jeremy is trying his best to follow along. The most he was getting is that this strange pill somehow helps you accomplish your goals through becoming cool. "'s like drugs?" Rich sighs and goes into his spiel again. While it sounds interesting, Jeremy isn't an idiot, "Michael likes me without changing, I wouldn't want to ruin 12 years of friendship..."

"But don't you wanna be cool?!"

"I mean I guess but..."

"Then what're you waiting for? Bring the money tomorrow and I'll hook you up!" Rich shoves Jeremy out of the bathroom with a massive smile before running out after him realizing that his next class is across campus. Thankfully Jeremy's Literature class was just across from the bathrooms.

Jeremy is pretty positive the whole SQUIP thing is an elaborate prank but he agreed to think about it so he'll bring it up with Michael when he sleeps over tomorrow. Maybe...if it's could help me feel more comfortable and accepted...?

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