more than words

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"Eva! Eva! Eva!"

They all cheered. The girl-squad, Eskild and Lin plus Even and Isak Bech Valtersen, were on the dance floor and had formed a little circle around their brunette friend, who was currently showing off her wild dance moves. It could best be described as 'tango meets twerking and jumpstyle'.

Eva was drunk.

She'd already made out with Vilde twice - or at least she tried.

Eva was very drunk.

But everyone was having a good time. The newly married couple were honored, and also very entertained, by the fact that Eva brought back her old high school moves. Nothing like a good grind to honor true love and commitment. The group of friends were jumping to the beat of the music, as they watched Eva get crazier and crazier with every second passing by. Though suddenly, a warning sign caught Noora's eye.

"Oh shit-" She ran to Eva who'd suddenly stopped dancing, who's cheeks suddenly had grown puffy - kinda like she tried to hold her breath. "Go get Jonas!" Noora yelled, just as Eva started emptying her stomach all over the floor. Noora sighed, holding back the brown hair. "And some soap and a mop..."

Before she could even finish her last sentence, Vilde was back with Jonas.

"Shit, babe," he walked over to Noora and Eva, soothingly rubbing his girlfriend's back as she stopped throwing up. "Let's get you out of here, huh?" Eva nodded, bent over and head down, obviously exhausted and disoriented. In a quick swoop, he picked her up in his arms and carried her out of the big room, making his way back to their assigned hotel room. The remaining of the group stayed back, quickly managing clean the floor. The rest of the boys, Yousef, Magnus and Mahdi, had since then joined and everyone was once again dancing.

The music was pumping, loud and everyone was brought back into high school-mode. It was all laughs and pure joy. But Noora couldn't help but feel like something was missing. Which there was. She stopped in her tracks, looking back at the table where William was still sitting, playing with his place card. She sighed... Suddenly she felt Eskild lean in to her, yelling to top the loud music.

"What's up with Willy? Noora looked at Eskild with a sad little smile, shrugging, not knowing what to say.

"Are you doing a 'no-sex September' or what?.. Because if you are, I can totally help out and take your place for the month."

Noora couldn't help but laugh a bit at her roomies always too much, but funny, comments. "No... I just-"

This was too complicated and Eskild was way too drunk. Now was not the time to tell him.

"I don't know," she shrugged. "I'll go talk to him... Have some fun for me?" She tried to lighten the mood with a smile, also implicitly telling Eskild to not follow her. He didn't.

Slowly, Noora walked off the dance floor and over to one of the tables nearby. William happened to look up, piercing his eyes into hers, before getting up and walking away. Over to the bar.

The young woman rolled her eyes at his childish, but familiar, behavior before following him. When she caught up with him, he was already at the bar, ordering a drink. His arms were folded and rested on top of the marble surface of the bar. He didn't budge. He didn't even look at her.

"William?" Her voice was very gentle, as always when she talked to him. She stood beside him, copying his position.

"Noora." His voice was cold, and she could tell that he was only saying it for the sake of not being a total ass. Even though was kinda being one anyway.

As they stood their in silence, as Noora was at a loss of words and William was just being... moody, the music suddenly stopped.

"Okay everyone," the DJ spoke. "We'll get right back to partying, but right now I want you to grab a special someone and come join us on the floor for romantic slow-dance. So I'll give you a minute to find someone, and then it is onnnnnn, ladies and gentlemen!"

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