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After trying to run after him, trying to make him stay, but only too watch him drive away, Noora had plunged into her bed. She sent multiple texts, called numerous times, but nothing. Everything suddenly felt so empty. The whole apartment did. She did. Not only was William missing, but Linn and Eskild had headed out to see some friends for the evening. Of course this had to be the one evening, where both Eskild and Linn left.

Linn. The girl that never did anything at all.

Though everything felt horribly empty, like the walls could collapse any minute, Noora couldn't cry. Only lie and stare. Just like when Niko had sent her the message containing those disgusting pictures of herself. Not that she wanted to think too much about that, but she was pretty sure that this felt worse. He was actually gone. The last time, she'd gotten to be held by him; kissed, hugged, loved. Now there was nothing.

Suddenly, the sound of a text notification pulled her out of her chaotic thoughts, and a little ray of hope suddenly felt present. She reached over and grabbed it from her night table. The lock screen, containing a picture of her and William, lit up her face and the dark room.

iMessage: Eskild

"Dritt," she sighed. So much for hope.

She quickly unlocked it, reading the message.


Hey sunshine, Linn and I will be staying here for the night. Be sure to get a lot of pikk

so that you're in a good mood when we get back. Kødder ;)

But then again not really. Give Willy a deep, disgusting kiss from me.

See you tomorrow

Noora locked the phone, before throwing it back onto the night table. Eskild was going to be quite disappointed tomorrow. But that didn't matter. At least he didn't have to go through, what felt like dying. She could only look at the clock, watching the hours of the dark night slip by, as she wondered where William was and what he was doing - or who he was doing. She trusted him, but they were broken up now, right? She got up and paced around the empty rooms. He had the right to do whatever with whoever. She got herself a glass of water, sipping on it, before sitting on the couch. She didn't really feel like watching anything, but still turned on the TV. Just for the sake of feeling less alone. Before she even noticed how exhausted she was, she'd driften off to sleep.

The next thing she felt, was the sun shining down on her face. She stretched, before getting out of bed. The glass of water was gone. Weird? 
Suddenly, she heard muffled voices coming from down the hall; her bedroom? She slowly made her way to the door, pressing her ear to eat before grabbing the knob open up. What hid behind the door immediately tore her to pieces. William. Eva. In her bed. Under the covers. Naked.
Quickly, she backed out of the room, falling over her own feet and hitting the ground. She tried to scream, but nothing came out. Nothing. She started crying out his name. Over and over and over again...

"Noora. Noora. Noora?!"

She felt two hands on her, shaking her. Her eyes opened, showing who it was.

"Eskild? What time is it?"

She looked around. She was on the couch. Right where she'd fallen asleep last night.

"2 PM," he frowned, obviously worried. "Linn and I just got back. What happened? Why are you crying on the couch? And where's Willy-boy?"

Even just the mention of her name was too much. Noora broke down in tears, starting to explain the whole thing as Eskild hugged her, holding her close.
The whole time, Eskild simply listened, letting her vent and cry the whole thing out until she was done.

"So he left. Last night before dinner. And I haven't seen or heard from him since. He won't answer my messages or calls. I don't even know where to look for him."

"Oh, my little Noora," Eskild mumbled against the top of her head, stroking her arm. "I'm so sorry. You want some coffee. I'll make it myself."

Noora chuckled through her puffy, teary mask, knowing he was trying to get back at her for always calling out his shitty cooking skills.

"I can't say no to that."

Eskild smiled, giving her body a small squeeze before gently pushing her off the couch.

"Let's go then."

Once again, she was back in the kitchen. Where it all happened. But Eskild managed to bring some peace and positivity to the room, even though it currently held the dark memories from last night. Eskild grabbed the Nescafé from one of the cupboards, before filling the boiler and grabbing two mugs, while they waited.

"So why didn't you tell him that it was in Copenhagen?"

Noora looked up.

"Maybe he wouldn't have gotten mad if you'd just told him, before you applied for the course. I love you Noora, and I know William has his temper-issues, but I can understand why he felt blindsided by this."

Noora suddenly felt annoyed, attacked even. And she couldn't quite figure out if it was because she knew Eskild was right, or if it was because she was trying to persuade herself that she was right.

"But, Eskild," she sighed, trying to make a point. "Why do I have to tell him everything that I do. I have the right to live my own life, don't I? Does he need to know everything that I do?"

The water boiled. So did Noora. Eskild poured the water into the two mugs with Nescafé.

"No, Noora. But this doesn't just concern you. You and William," he stirred the coffee with a spoon, "You wanna be with him for a very long time, don't you?"

She grabbed her mug, feeling it warm her palms.

"Yes, of course."

"Okay, good. Then you have to, at the very least, consider him, when you plan your own future. It's not planning your own future that is wrong. It's planning your own future, without telling him so he has the chance to adapt, that is wrong. If you don't inform him, then how is he supposed to make sure that you guys will work out?"

"But I didn't think I would get in!"

"But you knew the chance was there, Noora. Therefor you should've told him. I know him well enough to know, that he only wants the best for you. Hell, he would've probably suggested to move to Copenhagen. And I'm not saying that William isn't overreacting a tiny bit, by just leaving, but by keeping this information from him, he probably just feels like you don't want him there with you."

Another silence fell upon the kitchen. Only sipping could be heard. Noora sighed.

"You're right."

"I know," Eskild smiled, hugging her. "The Love Guru is always right."

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