Chapter 8

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Eggs. Milk. Bread. Thermometer. Apple juice. Ginger ale. Peanut butter. Pasta. After these things made it into her shopping basket, Emma went to check out. $21.56.

"Find everything alright, Miss. Swan?" Emma looked up to see one of, she thought, the fairies smiling at her.

She nodded, "I think so."

"How's the pirate doing?" It didn't seem like she was trying to pry, just make small talk. "I heard he was in the hospital."

"Yeah, they ran some tests and determined that Hook has brain cancer."

Her eyes went wide, they were a pretty shade of purple, "Oh my, that's terrible, but I can't honestly say I'm going to lose much sleep over it. Pirate."

Emma shrugged, unwilling to defend or bash him.

"Alright, have a nice day!"

She smiled and took her bags out to her car.


"So what's for dinner?" Henry hopped up to the kitchen counter just as Emma was draining the pasta she had just cooked.

"I was thinking chicken alfredo. What do you think?"

He nodded, "Sounds good."

She began mixing the chicken in with the pasta. "I'm probably going to go check on Hook after dinner."

"Can I come?" His innocent eyes squeezed at her heart, she knew she hadn't been around as much as she could be.

Still, she hesitated, "I don't know, kid."

"Please, I haven't seen you much lately" his eyes begged her to say yes.

Emma sighed, "Alright, but we're not staying long."


*Knock* *knock* Emma had put her knuckles to Hook's room. She didn't hear anything so she knocked again. Putting her ear to the door, she heard an odd sound coming from within.

"Maybe he's not here," Henry suggested from behind her.

Emma shook her head and removed the key that Regina had given her that went to all the rooms. Upon opening the door, she heard the sound again and quickly noticed the bathroom door was cracked and the light was on. "Hook?" She called into the room, almost afraid of hearing an answer.

A moan and then, "Go Emma." It was very faint, but definitely coming from the cracked door of the bathroom.

She turned to Henry, "Can you wait by the door?" He nodded without much thought and left.

Emma advanced forward and opened the bathroom door. "Oh, Killian," She went to her knees beside his curled up form. He had no shirt on and was only in a pair of red plaid boxers. His cheek was pressed against the porcelain bathtub. Her hand touched his sweaty forehead and it came back warm.

His eyes were unfocused, "I told you not to come in."

"Well, I'm here. Why didn't you call me?"

He tried feebly to brush her hand away from his shoulder, "I'm fine, Swan."

"We should get you to bed. Can you stand?" Killian shook his head slowly.

Emma nodded, "Alright. Put you arm around my shoulder." She helped him sit up after he did and then slowly got him standing, but he was very shaky. "I'm telling you now that Henry's here."

Killian tried to look at her with his unfocused eyes, "Why?"

She sighed, "I didn't think you'd be this sick, I'm sorry." She then wrapped an arm around his waist, "Alright, come on, we'll go slow." They made their way step by step to the living room where Henry was, and also the bad. In Granny's rooms, the living room and bedroom were combined.

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