Misunderstanding? hate?

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A.N. heyyo! sorry i haven't updated i got busy! anyways heres more lovlies~ <3


                     CHAPTER TWO

Death the kid's P.O.V

The bell rang. i saw maka get out first, but why in such a hurry? so i decided to go follow her. i went outside and saw her with a kid with white hair and red eyes.. hmm what was his name oh yeah soul! wait are they together? damn. i was walking by not making eye contact with her but that kid soul called me over.

i went up to him and chatted for a bit. he seemed cool he said if i wanted to join the group so i agreed, but i looked over at maka and she looked kinda sad but it went away fast and she left. i wounder what's wrong? no no kid what are you thinking stop! i sigh and shake my head.

Makas P.O.V

i was kinda sad that kid became friends with 'that!' i sigh and walk over to a fancy black car outside waiting for me. my manager of course. i go inside the car and we drive away. "are you ready for today?" my manager asks. "Yeah totally!" i say enthusiastically. "Good because today is the day we prove thoes rascals what we got!" my manager beamed childishly, and i giggle.

        ******Time skip******

i was getting ready for today's match. they didn't say who i was going against but it's okay I'll beat her quickly i'm confident I'll do good! i now stand in the ring with my mask, my hair died a red color. then my opponent steps in.

Death the kid's P.O.V

"ugh no i don't want to" i said to soul who wants me to go to this fighting thing. Apparently one of his friends is going to fight this unbeatable champion girl. "Come on kid let's go!" soul whined. i gave up and decided to go only to see this 'unbeatable girl'. "Fine I'll go." i said. "Yes!" soul smirked. then came that obnoxious blue haired monkey. "Yahooo! let's go!" black*star yelled.

          *****Time Skip******

We finally made it. we sat in the front row and of course i looked bored but two pair of emerald eyes cought my attention. maka? i looked at the girl but she had red hair.. that couldn't be maka but she looked cute. i hid my blush and sighed. "what am i thinking.." i mumbled to myself." What was that kid...?" soul asked. i shrugged him off and the match started. man the redheaded girl looked furious like she's about too kill the other girl to a bloody gulp. i don't want to be on her bad side.

Makas P.O.V

No way.... her!? i see her friends in the front row, then i see 'him' with a bored expression. "Hey there brat!" she calls out with a smirk, and stretches. "Ready to lose?" i clench my hands and mumble, 'that's it I'll show you my wrath i'm gonna beat you up to a bloody gulp!'


'DUN DUN! cliff hanger? idk anyways a tiny update! I'll update sometime this week i just wanted you too feel anxious i guess xp bai lovelies hope you enjoyed~ <3'

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2014 ⏰

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