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(Hey Everyone I had this fun idea  for part of this book would have a blast from some of my ocs' past. Let's start with Ben and Evan. These Two had been best friends since elementary school. Here is one great memory they had. Oh there they are now. Evan at age 6 and Ben age 8)

It was a nice summer day at Ben and Evan's hometown Oakwood. They had just gotten out of school for the first day of summer and were running like their lives depend on it. A group of girls were right behind. You see everyday when school ends this happened. Ben and Evan were named by the girls of Oakwood elementary school "The cutest boys in school" meaning they were a target for this certain group of girls to chase. So Evan and Ben ran fast to their tree house and Ben had water balloons aimed ready to let loose. Evan didn't join in as usual to some who know him. The 6 year old wolf just fixed his  little blue bandana. Ben was firing away as the girls leave
Ben:*Laughs* That's right Keep running. Awesome Keep will have no girls in here
Evan:*groans* Ben is that really necessary
Ben:Yeah it really helps. Watch I'll throw another one
Evan:*Stops him* No no no let's not *He sighs and sits on the beanbag chair* Why do girls gotta act some weird
Ben:My dad said it has to do with hormones
Evan:*Groans* Everything gotta do with hormones to your dad
Ben:*shrugged* I don't know.
Evan:Look Dude just ease up on the water balloons ok
Ben:*was looking out the window looking at a cute girl not paying attention"
Evan:Ben. Ben. BEN!!!
Ben:*Jumps* Huh yeah water balloons no more gotcha
Evan:*Looks out the window* Now what in the world are you staring at *He saw the bunny across the street and Evan smirked* Ooooh bro you didn't tell me you have a crush
Ben:*Blushes* No I don't. I was staring at... The street
Evan:*not believing it* The street
Ben: *nods*
Evan:*laughs* Ben I've known you long  enough to know you are staring at a girl.
Ben: Fine I do you like her. In fact I'll confess to her right now *He climbed down the latter and goes over to the bunny girl
Evan:*climbs down* Hahaha good luck bro
The Girls:Oh Evan
Evan:*Gulps* Dang it
Evan had never ran so fast in his life that day. He'd tell you that to this day. Just another day for this Wolf and red panda

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