chapter 10 - I need to find her!

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A.N: Yo guys! Afro here, I know that it has been months since I have writen another chapter and I'm sorry about that! *gives you hugs* But I'm baaaaaaack! Okay now, this chapter will only be Jordans point of view, because I feel like you guys should know what is happening. And one more thing, guys....... 6,164 READS?!?! OMFG THANK YOU GUYS SOOOOO MUCH!!! Okay, let me calm down now. Read on guys! 


    (Jordan's P.O.V) 

      It's been weeks since my daughter's been missing. We found nothing to give us clues, completely nothing! I need to find her. I need to find her NOW! She's all I have, she's all I need. I don't need anybody else. 

I was sitting down on the soil, sharpening my stakes and Machetes; thinking about Jazen.

'Daddy' I hear her say when she was younger, 'Dad, Daddy come here!' 


  I was sitting down with my beautiful wife on a blue picnic blanket, while my four year old Daughter was running around with little sparklers. It was the fourth of July and we were at the park, waiting for the firework show; like everybody else were.

"Daddy, Daddy!" I hear my daughter yell

I looked at her and smiled warmly while she ran up to me. Her red, white and blue puffy dress twisted and turned while she ran.

"Daddy, can you play with me?" She asked me innocently

I nodded and slowly got up. She jumped up and down with excitement, grabbing my hand and taking me to a pretty clear spot. I turned my head back to Nisha, and she was just giggling away. I turned my head back to Jay and saw her blowing bubbles with her purple bubble wand. I went up to her and picked her up, putting her on my hip. I hear her giggle again.

"I love you Daddy."

"And I love you my little angel."

I see her smile once again. That sweet, perfect smile that always makes my day. I feel her head rest on my shoulder, while her arms rested on my chest. I slightly sighed, turning my body to see Nisha walk up to me and Jay. I always smiled when I saw her beautiful face and she always smiled when she saw mine. She raised her cocoa colored hand and rubbed Jazens curly hair slowly.

"Someone's getting tired." She spoke softly

"She sure is, but if you go to sleep, you won't be able to watch the fire work show." I convinced

I see her face lift up from my shoulder and look at the sky, "But it's sunset, can I sleep for a little bit?" she begged.

I sighed and so did Nisha, "Okay, okay fine." I say

She lays her head on my shoulder once again and slowly closes her eyes. The both of us walked back to our spot and layed Jazen on our laps while we sat. I held my wife's hand softly while we stared off to the sunset.

"It's so beautiful." she slightly whispers

"It is, but not as beautiful as you." I replied

She looks at me, smiling so calmly and I do the same, "Oh stop Jordan." She chuckles.

"Well it's true."

She leans up to me and gives me a peck on the lips, and I do the same.

"I love you"  I hear her say, but her voice was fading away.

"I love you"


"I love you too Nisha, never forget that. Ever." I said, looking at her picture that I brought on the way.

"Jordan, Jordan?" I hear my brother call me.

I didn't reply, I just sat there; looking at the picture.

"Brother, hey I know that you miss Jay. But we gotta keep moving, the more we move; we might get your daughter in no time." He convinced and patted me on the back.

I just nodded for my reply, I sat up and swatted the dirt from my pants. I put the picture in my pocket and picked up my weapons, putting them in my weapon bag. I put my hand on my brother's shoulder, smiling weakly.

"lets go get my daughter. C'mon guys" I ordered

Adam smiled and nodded, "That's my big brother."

He grabbed his weapons and so did the others, then followed me. We're going to find you my little angel don't you-

"well, well, well. What do we have here?" I hear a man say. 

I made a dumfounded look and turned my body to where I've heard that comment. The crew turned as well and we all saw. A middle aged man, wearing a black and red suit. I grabbed my Machette and a wooden stake; since I know what's going to happen next.

"You know, this is the Queens property. And she doesn't like vapire slayers invading her space." He laughs demonically.

The Queen's property? That means we're close! I start to smile. "I think you should know, that you need to keep your mouth shut if you don't want us vampire slayers, to kill your leader." 

He scoffs, "That will never happen," He starts, "If you want to kill her, and her Son. You will have to get through me." 

Ugh, these vampires are always cocky! "Fine then." 

I hear him chuckle once again, "You haven't seen the rest of me." He finished.

His back starts to swell up, then his feet and his arms, his head and ears turned into a beast like creature. His tux rips apart like a piece of paper while his body swells up and turns into a beast like body. 

He's one of those Vampire beasts. I thought they were enxtinct. Luckily I got my crew with me.

"Ready Men?" I yell

I hear them chant like Beserkers, getting ready for war. 

"Alright... Let's kill this beast." 

Don't worry my little angel, I'm coming. I'm coming. 

A.N: Okay, how was that? I hope this is a good chapter, please like, comment, and all that other jazzy jazzy jazz! Make sure that you read my other book, 'Daddy' It's a creepypasta story. If you like scary stories or just creepypasta......Or slenderman, then make sure you read it!! Okay guys that's it for now. Bye bye my kawaii sushi's *blows kisses* I WUB WUB WUB YOU!!!! 

P.S. If you want to give me some ideas, then message me on my message board and you will get a dedication on the next chappy! AAAAAAANNNNDDD....... I'm sorry for the cliff hanger, I was kinda rushing....... :(

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