Legit I just meant to draw anatomy and kind of stem off from there
But it ended up me drawing bae and OW-Amiti
*cough* lemme explain real quick. OW-Amiti is a little older than the one everyone's use to. She's about 22, so her hair has changed and her build is a big more sturdier and not as lanky.
This took much longer than needed
Gabe's coloring took the longest, don't ask why I know it's literally only two colors (jkitwaslikefivedifferentshadesofgrey(morelikefiftyshadesamiright*wHEEZE*))Ignore me
Different lighting ig
Original sketch
Psst--- Gabe is 6'1" and Amiti is - still - 5" (lolkillmeandmyshortness)
Actually, I prefer the term "vertically-challenged" thank you very much
Oml I'm talking to myself I need siblings