The beginning

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Hope you like this story!

I Don't own anything except for the plot and Megan Vipper.

Italic for speaking in different Language- Hello

Underling for spells- Hello

Enjoy!( Translation at the end)


Puer nivis, et lucem accipiunt potestatem.

Qui patrimonium olim amissa fuerant

aliquando videbimus.

Egredietur paeteriti amo genus olim

fuerit agian.

--------present time--------(Matthews pov)

'I did it... I finally did it! I'm finally Independant! I can do what I want with my country! I don't even need to ask Mr. England about anything... well may be to the Queen but still! I didn't need to start a war over my Independence.... Take that America!' I thought to myself cheerfully.

I walked around my small log cabin that I call home, dusting and polishing counter and table tops. I let out a sigh of content knowing that I am finally free from those tidbit ridiculous taxes. Kuma came running down the hallway chasing a colourful butterfly that must have came in through one of the windows that I left open somewhere in my home.

I chuckled at Kumajiours excitment over a butterfly and no more how did he put it 'tea breath guy?' well Kuma was why more happier without me stressing about paying the taxes and trying to keep the peace throughout my lands.

Knock knock knock

I turned and stared at the front door. It was weird nobody really visited except for my boss, but other then that nobody comes and visit. Not after France. I put down the duster and straighten out my brown vest. 

I looked in a small mirror hanging in the hallway and took in my look. I was wearing a brown leather vest, a white long sleeve button down shirt with the sleeves rolled up little bit passed my elbows.

I had light grey pants with suspenders on underneath, a warm pair of wool socks to keep my feet warm. I fixed up my tangled shoulder length blonde hair with my rebellious curl sticking out and bounced in front of my face.

Walking toward my front door I pushed Quebec up the bridge of my nose, my violet eyes held kindness and joy as I made my way down the hallway. I walked up to my front door and opening the door. My breath hitched. Standing outside my door was my brother.... Alfred.

I stood there shocked, Alfred decided to show up out of the blue. Was Alfred here to ask him for a favor or was he here to start a war. Which Alfred should know if he wants to start a war I wouldn't hesitate to burn Washington again.

"Hello America. What brings you here?" I asked slightly nervous due to last time Alfred came he started a war. Plus I will never become one of his states!

Mr. England had to handle all business with America after the war of 1812. It took me awhile for me to get over the fact that my brother, Alfred, attacked and burned York. I felt a little bit awkward seeing and talking to him again.

"Mattie it's Alfred. I'm not here as America or on business like last time!" Alfred said, slightly hurt by me calling him 'America'.

"Last time we talked was when you declared war on me and my lands. Plus you burned York! So please forgive me for thinking that your here for business and not to see me." I said kind of ticked off that Alfred brought up the start of the war.

Alfred looked at his feet in shame before looking up with a bit of a hard look.

"Well you burned down my white house f-" before Alfred could finished speaking I cut him off with a glare.

"America you burned York first! We burned your White house after. So don't go around saying that we attacked or burned or whatever you think of to others when it was you who attacked me." I countered, feeling proud about standing up for myself.

Alfred just sighed before speaking again.

"Oh well.... I.. uh... I came to congratulate you for your independentes. Canada" Alfred said.

I winced at the tone of his voice. Alfred looked at me with his sky blue eyes that were filled with hurt. Sighing again I looked at Alfred with a softer look, smiling at his brother.

"Thanks, but I still have to listen to the Queen. I am part of the Commonwealth.... Mr. England is handling some expenses for me.... But other then that we Canadians are happy... I'm happy" I said, but Alfred didn't look happy.... at all.

"Mattie he still has you under his rule! Your not free!" Alfred shouted making Texas slide a bit.

Tears started to well up in my eyes, I always hated when people yell or when Alfred yells at me. I looked down allowing my banges cover my eyes.

"Al.... If you are here to yell or lecture me then.... just go home..... Bye Alfred."

That was the only thing I said to my brother before closing and locking the door. I put my back to the door and listened for my brother sigh before leaving. I fell to my knees, I started to cry. Kumajiour walked up to me licking my face out of comfort.

"Kuma... Why... Why does Alfred thing Mr. England is bad? Why can't he be happy for me?" I asked. Pulling Kuma into my arms and hugged him as I cried into his  fur.


Google translation 

Latin- Child of snow, let the light control. Those of heritage, shall see the ones of lost past. Love from the past shall come forth, family that once was, to come forth again.

I hope that you all enjoy this. Please leave a comment, follow.

Bye (^.^)/

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