Memory's #2

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Hello my Awesome readers!

I hope that you will enjoy this chapter!

I don't own anything(I don't own the pic) except for the plot and Megan!

Italic for speaking in different Language- Hello  

Underling for spells- Hello  

Enjoy! (Translations at the end)


I was sitting in my room next to the window looking out at the field that I would play with Kuma but know I sit in side waiting for the war to finish. I saw two figures coming up to my door one limping the other walking with pride.

I frown knowing full well who ever won gets me, I never asked for this I never asked to be somebody's winning. I just want to be free and run in the fields and play with my friends, so I sat there by the window waiting for the news of who won my land.... who won..... me.

There was a knock on the door, I sighed and stood up and walked to the door. I saw my papa and the man I came to learn as England, I gasped at the sight of my beloved papa and rushed to him. I had tears in my eyes knowing full well who won but I was upset that I was just a winning.

"Papa!!" I cried as I hugged him, I felt his arms wrap around me as he pulled me into a hug.

"Mon enfant, Je suis désolé ... je ... je vous ai échoué" papa said as I cried into his shoulder.

"Well France I let you say goodbye... now it is time for you to go." England said.

The arms around me tighten before he released me, I slowly pulled away before placing a kiss on his bruised cheek. 

"Je t'aime mon fils."

"Je t'aime aussi papa." I replied as I watched him leave, Kuma walked up to me and liked my face and nuzzled my hand as tears fell from my eyes.

I turned to my new caretaker and looked down at my feet. I heard a sigh and felt a hand on my head and my hair being ruffled, it was a nice feeling papa always patted my shoulder or kissed my forehead but never ruffled it before.

I looked up to see England smile at me, I gave him a small smile in return.

"I take it France told you my name, correct?" England asked, I nodded my head.

"Well your my new colonie and we'll depart for England tomorrow afternoon. Would that be alright lad?" he asked, I nodded again.

I was thankful for some of the englishmen that I ran into in town for teaching me a bit of their language, not that I told papa but I only know who to say 'Thank you' and 'Please' but I understand what they are saying in english, but I tried to say something in English for England.

"T-This....'ay... ta... 'our...." I said with horrible English.

England smiled and chuckled.

"I can see you were trying to learn who to speak English from some of the English folk." England said, I smiled and nodded.

"Well on our way to England I'll teach you how to speak English." England said making me smile brightly. 

I lead my new caretaker to his room for the night. After we wished each other a good night I went back to my room my smile fell from my tiny face, I looked out my window to see shadows dancing in the misty night. 

I sighed and went to bed.


A girl was standing in the trees glaring at the blonde and then smiled.

"It's your turn my friend...

Puer nivis, et lucem accipiunt potestatem.

Qui patrimonium olim amissa fuerant  

aliquando videbimus.  

Egredietur paeteriti amo genus olim  

fuerit agian." and she vanished into thin air.


England and I where on our way to England, he had named me Canada and also gave me a human name 'Matthew Williams'. I like the sound of the name. England had taught me how to speak english and Kumajiour as well, his favorite words are 'Hungry' and 'feed me'.

When we pulled up to the dock in England, I looked around and froze. There was more people here than at home, England gently took my hand and lead me to his home. The walk was peaceful and Kuma was walking beside me and England held my hand gently then Papa did.

Papa would squeeze my hand when ever I take him to the natives or into town. I saw a beautiful three story house that looked nicer than my house, I saw a boy who look just like me run out of the house grinnin and waving.

"ENGLAND!!" the boy said as he jumped onto England causing him to let go and stumble a bit.

"Hello America... I have someone I like you to meet." England said, America instantly let go and looked at me.

"Whoa you look like me but less awesome!" America said, then the wind blow and America looked bored.

"Hi I'm Canada! It is very nice to meet you, eh!" I said but England and America were walking away.

"W-wait up!" I said as I ran after them.

England showed me around after I told him that he left me outside, he apologized for that but everytime they both forgotten me.


Weeks turned into months. Months turned into years. I grew up faster then Alfred did, he still acted like a child and Mr. England would yell at me instead of Alfred. But it got worse after Alfred's independants....

Cause he would drink to the point he were he yells at me and gets violent, but in the morning he would cry and say how horrible of a father he is. That isn't true, he is just heart broken and misses Alfred.


It was July 28 in the year 1914 when I was pulled into the world war, Mr. England came to me and asked for help in the war. I gladly agreed... though I wish I didn't. War was a nightmare. Papa was covered in bruises so was Mr. England.

The Germans would attack and we would defend, I lost count of how many of my people had died in that war. Near the end Alfred joined in and nobody notice me anymore, or what my people had done or the lives we risked to help... I still get nightmares but only Kuma is there for me.


September 1 1939 there was another world war and I joined again, this was more than a nightmare... there isn't words to describe the feeling it was during this war I lost my eyesight. One of the Canadian soldiers found me lying in the blown up ground after my fight with Germany.

The next fight I was in they threw mustard gas at the frenchmen, we struck back but then they threw the gas at us. By the time that the fight was over I was on the ground blind, one of my men again found me and brought me back to the hospital wing where I spent that time alone.

I was thankful when the war ended but I now wear glasses that I call Quebec, nobody visited me after the war or any time so I gotten use to the quiet. I just wondered one thing and one thing only.

What did I do to deserve this?


google translations

  Latin- Child of snow, let the light control. Those of heritage, shall see the ones of lost past. Love from the past shall come forth, family that once was, to come forth again. 

French- My child, I'm sorry ... I ... I failed you

French- I love you my son

French- I love you too Papa

Done another chapter sorry that I didn't post it sooner but life is crazy! Well I hope that you all enjoyed the reading! I will try to post more!

Bye (^.^)/

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