Anything You Can Do To Draw Attention To Your Mouth Is Good

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Isabel was stalking Harry Styles.

She hadn't exactly intended to reach this level of insanity, but when she found herself clicking off her word document and typing his name into the Facebook search bar instead, she wasn't entirely surprised.

They were already friends on there - they had been since February - but she'd never gone through his profile before, and she found herself clicking through his pictures before she could restrain herself, a smile playing at her lips.

From: Harry Styles, at 13:09
Whatcha doing? x

He really had uncanny timing.

From: Isabel Allen, at 13:09
Honestly? I might be stalking you on Facebook

From: Harry Styles, at 13:10
Should I be worried?

Yeah, I'm worried.

From: Isabel Allen, at 13:10
Chill out, no incriminating evidence so far

From: Harry Styles, at 13:10
The so far says it all, I'm coming over now I'm just in town I won't be long

From: Isabel Allen, at 13:11
Okay I found something slightly embarrassing

From: Harry Styles, at 13:11
This narrows nothing down at all...

From: Isabel Allen, at 13:11
It's got like, loads of likes
I think she's trying to eat you?

From: Harry Styles, at 13:12
Oh fuck.. yeah. Last year. Let's not go there
Oh god actually please stop looking I'm getting stressed out ...........did you stop?

From: Isabel Allen, at 13:17
calm the fuck down Harry there can't be anything too bad on here

From: Harry Styles, at 13:18
I'm buying popcorn, be nice

From: Isabel Allen, at 13:18
okay sorry.. your anxiety was very telling though

From: Harry Styles, at 13:18
Stupid stuff I did a few years ago recorded forever on the internet... not the best feeling I'm leaving Tesco now, see you in a bit :) x

She clicked out of his tagged pictures, bored by the multiple shaky mobile pictures of Harry at parties, and scrolled down his main page, biting down on her lip as she did so. He barely used it – mostly it was just things he was tagged in, a link from Zayn about a new tattoo opening on Chancery Street, a post from a friend Isabel assumed was from Holmes Chapel asking how he'd been. She finally spotted something he'd posted, a shaky mobile upload of a blonde man walking in front of him.

Look Niall, Isabel and I saw your genuine doppelganger today in town I've never been so scared. He was German and smelt like petrol
Her smile widened when she saw that. 'Isabel and I'.

"What are you smiling at?" Millie asked, and Isabel looked up quickly, rearranging her face into a blank, vague expression.

"Nothing in particular, just...history," Isabel replied sweepingly.

"You're the worst liar I've ever met," Millie said with a frown. "Plus you've never looked so happy about doing your work. Ever."

"I'm learning about Queen Victoria, she's a bundle of laughs."

"Isabel..." she said darkly, waving her phone at her so Isabel could see the Facebook app was loaded on her screen.

"Why are you stalking with Harry Styles on Facebook? I saw you just liked his picture."

"I'm not!" Isabel insisted, "I only just started looking."

"You've been looking for the last fifteen minutes," Millie accused, and Isabel averted her eyes.

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