Just The Beginning

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Olivia's POV

     "Olivia get up! We have to get ready!" My mother says as she shakes me. "Get ready for what what?" I ask. "Did you seriously forget that we are moving to Derry Maine today?" My mother asked. "I'm sorry mamma but I have short term memory loss," I tell her. "Yeah right," she says and leaves the room. I lay down for awhile not wanting to get up. After awhile I decide to get up and get dressed.
     Which shirt should I wear today? I thought to myself. I look at two shirts for about 5 minutes and finally decided to wear my black tank top with a skull design on it. I put on some random pair of jeans and walked to my bathroom to brush my hair, brush my teeth, and put on some makeup.
     "Gonna eat some Trix with a banana," I say to myself. After I eat my breakfast I put my bags in the car and off we go. I listen to the song On My Own by Three Days Grace as I rode the car. The ride seemed to be forever so I took a quick nap. I dream of myself alone in a building. There was nobody around and I was scared. There was this lady with an axe roaming around the building and she saw me. Before she could chase me I woke up seeing my mom parking at our new house.
     I go inside to find my room and it was huge. The furniture won't be here until Wednesday so I will have to sleep on a mattress with a couple of blankets and pillows.
     "Livy . . . get ready for school," my mom said. I got up and did the same routine that I did yesterday. Riding the bus was pretty awkward. I didn't know anybody so it was really hard to find a seat. "You can sit by me if you want," I turn around and see this little boy looking at me. He had dark hair and freckles. He then pats the seat for me to sit by him.
     "Hi my name is Eddie," he said offering a handshake. "Olivia" I say shaking his hand, "But you can call me Livy" "Nice to meet you Livy," Eddie said. "Nice to meet you too Eddie," I say.
     School is so dumb. They don't teach us anything they should. Might as well just teach us how to make a sandwich. Eddie on the other hand is ok, in fact during lunch he introduced me to his friends. "Livy these are the losers gang, that's Richie" he says pointing at the boy with glasses, "there's Ben" pointing at the chubby kid "that's Billy" pointing and the skinny boy "that's Mike," pointing at the black not not trying to be racist or anything "And last but not least this is Stanley" Showing me the boy with Curly hair. He was really cute not gonna lie. "Guys this is Olivia but you can call her Livy," Eddie said "H-hi L-l-livy" Billy stuttered. "She will be hanging out with us after school," Eddie stated. "Whatever" added Richie. Stanley just stared at me.
     After school was amazing. We all hanged out and walked to the park. That day was amazing. Coming home my mom seemed worried. "Mom are you ok?" I ask "I'm fine baby" she said. "Are you sure?" I ask giving her a hug. "Don't worry I am fine, you can do whatever," she says. I walk in my room thinking about tomorrow.

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