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Foster Bond chapter 1

I just returned home from another date with Amber and found myself more frustrated than ever before. This girl I had started seeing was driving me wild, and it was beginning to take a toll on my cock. We had known one another from our days at high school yet never had much of a conversation. Her slutty reputation had long preceded her throughout those years; hence, the motivation behind asking her out on a date in the first place.

I'd been having a significant dry spell and was looking for a quick fix with Amber, yet I further aggravated my sexual duress since Amber had seemed to turn over a new leaf and embark on a path of celibacy, just as it was my turn on the ride. We'd been dating for three weeks now, and aside from the occasional French kiss, I had been left high and dry. It didn't help that she was a major cock tease. So if I hadn't been obsessed with sex before, I was certainly now.

To make matters worse, in recent weeks I had developed a disturbing erectile dysfunction. I couldn't get it hard when I wanted to relieve myself to porn or to anything really. I was relentlessly horny but had no way of taking care of myself; however, I was optimistic that once Amber dropped her act, I would "heal" since I was getting plenty hard whenever we kissed.

I entered the kitchen and grabbed a cold beer from the fridge. As I was about to go upstairs to my room, I heard my name being called from the living room. It was my foster sister, Keran. She was lounging on the sofa watching a movie in a tank top and bright green boxer shorts. I always felt it was a bit too promiscuous, yet I had neither the time nor the inclination to reprimand her.

Keran was 18 years old, two and a-half years younger than me. She was just out of high school and was working at our mother's flower business. Our mother was a florist and had a successful shop while our father was a renounced veteran

I took a sip from my beer and sighed, "What?"

"I asked how your date was."

"Fine. Well, good night."

"You're not you going to bed now, are you? It's still early."

After 11 on a Thursday night seems late to me "I'm not going to bed, just to chill in my room."

"Why don't you join me? Here, I'll make you room."

She tucked her feet to her butt while propping her upper body on the armrest, leaving half of the sofa vacant.

"Yeah, I think I'm goanna pass. It's been a long-"

"Oh come on, let's watch a movie. I could use the company," she kindly said.

I suddenly spaced out, deliberating whether I should go see a doctor regarding my problem since being constantly worked up was wearing down my mind and body pretty badly. Certainly, it was not a common dysfunction amongst otherwise healthy 21 year-old males.

"What was that?" I regained awareness.

"I asked if you were joining me..." she said, wearing a perplexed face. "What's with you tonight, Dennis? You seem troubled and stressed out.

"Nothing. I'm good." I took a seat on the sofa next to her. "What movie are we watching?"

"I don't know. I wasn't really concentrating."


She sighed. "Let's just watch the movie."

With me on one side of the sofa and with her occupying the other, we were watching whatever serial movie that was on.

"Do all guys just care about sex?" she asked twenty minutes later, not even easing into it.

Foster Bond #1 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now