chapter 12

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I was sleeping peacefully when my phone rang it startled me and I fell of my bed.

Me: hello

Jin: guess were our photoshoot is

Me: I don't have time playing games Jin

Jin: it's were we met

my eyes widened


the year 2016

I had a photoshoot little did I know I would be meeting Bts

when I walked in I saw them I bumped into someone and fell when I looked up it was Jin

Jin: are you ok

Me: yeah u

Jin: yeah

Me: your from a group called Bts right ?

Jin: yeah

Me: you guys are amazing

Jin: why don't you meet the others

Me: I don't know

Jin: oh come on

Jin took wrist and dragged me over to Bts when Rm saw a Jin holding her wrist he was confused

Rm: hyung what's going on

Jin: this is the youtuber y/n

Me: hi

Tae: hi!!!!!!

Jungkook: you know that Rm is a fan

Rm: kookie !!!!!!

Me: it's fine I am a fan of you guys

Tae: really

yoongi: I doubt that

Me: what

Jin: yoongi

yoongi: when did we debut

Me: in 2013

Jin: stop it yoongi

Me: hey I have to go or else my manager won't be happy

Jin: wanna keep in contact

Me: yes we exchanged numbers
make sure to give it to the boys

Tae: she seems  nice

Jin: yeah

End of flashback

Ever since that day I would always be in contact with the boys except yoongi

I knew he didn't like me so I sidn't talk to him

I was at the photoshoot it was exactly  how I remembered it

Jin: you're here finally

Mia: so why is this place special

Jin: this is were we met

Me: I am gonna go tease yoongi

Jin: what are u planning to do?

Me : you will see

Mia and jin followed Y/n

Me: hey Mr I doubt guy

Yoongi: hey teaser

Me: how the hell

yoongi: come on you would never say those kinda things unless you wanted to tease me

Me: you know me too well

yoongi: of course

yoongi: we didn't have a good start but it was always fun of making  each other angry

after the shoot I went to the hotel when Mia asked

Mia: so when did  u and yoongi get along

me and yoongi looked at each other then at her
Mia:: well

Yoongi: it was two months later I think

Me: yeah probably

Mia: how come back then you weren't great

Me: because yoongi was a stubborn b. ....
suddenly Jin covered my mouth

Jin: we get it
he let go

yoongi: alot has changed

Me: your still stubborn

yoongi: so are u

Rm: guys

Me: what

Rm: I'm hungry

J-hope: can we go to inside out

Me & Jin: No

Mia: are these to secretly siblings cause I swear there the same

j-hope: why can't we go

Me: couse I ordered Pizza

Tae : Pizza!!!!!

the pizza came and we decided to watch horror movie Mia was next to yoongi and next to yoongi was Rm
I was with Jin

Jin walked up to yoongi

Jin: go sit beside y/n before  she starts screaming

yoongi  knew you weren't good with scary movies

Yoongi came and sat  beside me

Me:why are u here

yoongi: because you will  get scared

Me: no I won't

yoongi: lets make a bet you scream or look away u have to grant me a wish

Me: and if I win you will grant me a wish

yoongi: it's a bet

it was half way into the movie and I couldn't take it anymore

Me: okay I give up you win yoongi  I am going to your room

Jin: what do you mean by he won

Yoongi: we made a bet if she got scared she would grant me a wish

when the movie was done yoongi went to his room were Y/n was

Me:  done with the movie

Yoongi : yes

Me: so what shall I grant you

yoongi: your buying be coffe tomarrow

Me: fine

End of  chapter 12

sorry If this was short but my friend told me today why does your character always hanging out with logan

It's because he helped y/n to find an apartment  when she first came and he was also the reason why y/n was famous

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