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Lay was hurrying back to the SM building for practise. He just came back from china after filming a movie and he had taken some rest in the dorm. He was running as he was already late for the practise. Usually he took the back door to enter in order to avoid the paparazzi. But today he saw that there was no one around as it was starting to get late in the evening. He decided to enter through the front door. He was climbing the stairs two at a time. He reached the door when he bumped into someone. The person who he bumped into was carrying some papers and some packages. They all scattered in the floor. He apologized to the person and started to help the person pick up the papers and the packages. While picking up the packages he saw that one was addressed to EXO. The package was packed with brown paper and was sent from another country. On the package it was written "To: EXO. THANK YOU"
The person took the package from him and thanked for helping him. The person was walking towards the reception when Lay felt that he should take the package himself. Actually they are not allowed to take the things that are sent to them without the managers checking the contents first but he doesn't know why he got the feeling that he should take it himself. So he stopped the person, "Excuse me," the person stopped and looked back at Lay.
"The package it's for us. You can give it to me."
The person at first thought, and was hesitating to give the package as it was an international delivery and to be handed to the right person. He didn't recognize Lay as Lay was wearing a black mask and a black cap.
Lay took his mask off and said 'Hi! I am EXO's Lay. That package is for EXO, right?'
The person looked in the package to confirm and he shook his head in confirmation.
'Yes, it is. I'm sorry I didn't recognize you. You can take the package.'
'Thank you', Lay took the package and was going to walk the other direction when the person stopped him and said
'Ahh! You have to sign this."
"Ohh!! Yes, yes, I' m sorry I forgot", he smiled and signed the documents.
'Thank you'
'Thank you 'said Lay. He looked at his watch and started walking fast as he was late.
He took the lift. Their practise room was on the fifth floor. Due to his schedule in china he was already late for the practise of their album but he was a little bit later as he was taking the package.
As soon as he arrived at the practise room, he put the package in the table, near the door. He greeted everyone and started practising.
After practising for more than 3 hours straight they all took a break. Everyone was hungry. They all sprawled on the floor as they were tired.
"What do you guys want to eat? I' m going to order" Suho announced.
"Chicken" Kai said.
"You always want chicken" Baekhyun retorted.
"You know you want chicken too hyung" Kai replied and smirked.
"Yeah, right!" Baekhyun replied smiling.
The others too agreed on chicken as they were craving chicken.
"Ok! Then I' m ordering chicken" Suho said.
" Alright!" everyone said in unison.

Suho went near the door to order chicken as Baekhyun, Chanyeol and Chen were making noises and singing loudly. He thought 'Argh.. Even they are tired, they never shut up.'
He ordered the chicken when he saw a package on the table near the door. He saw that it was addressed to them and he knew that Lay had it in his hands when he entered the room. Feeling curious he took the package and went near the place where everyone were sprawled out. Lay was lying in the corner. Baekhyun, Chen and Chanyeol were sitting on the floor and playing rock, paper and scissor. Kai was talking with Kyungsoo. Sehun was playing with his phone while Minsoek was listening to music.
Suho just passed to the beagle line when Baekhyun snatched the package from his hands and started shouting 'What's this hyung? Is it a love letter? But it's slightly heavy to be a letter." Baekhyun teased.
Suho annoyed said 'read the contents first baek."
Then baekhyun read what's written in the package "To: EXO THANK YOU"
Listening to this everyone paid attention to Baekhyun. Lay got up. Suho looked at Lay and asked 'Lay, where did you bring this from? You know, we are not allowed to take the packages ourselves."
"I got that when I was coming here. I bumped into the delivery man and took it. I thought it was harmless and there was thank you written in it so..."Lay answered innocently.
"Ohh! But you are not supposed to take these Lay." Suho scolded.
"I know, but I got this feeling that we should see whatever is in there."
Everyone was listening to their conversation.
"I think we should first give this to manager hyung and let them check" Suho said.
"I think we should open it and see now" Baekhyun said.
Suho glared at Baekhyun as he didn't like to break the rules. He was afraid if it was something that was sent to them by saseng fans. He then said firmly 'we don't know what's in there baek it may be harmful.'
'I don't think its harmful hyung. It's written thank you here. I think we should see. Those who share the same thought as me raise your hands' Baekhyun announced.
Chanyeol, Chen, Sehun and Lay raised their hands. Suho was glaring at Baekhyun. Minsoek was confused at what to do. Kai and Kyungsoo were looking confusedly at each other.
'We should see Suho. I have a feeling that we should see it. If it's harmful I will take the responsibility' Lay said and looked innocently at Suho. Listening to him, Suho hesitantly said, 'Ok.'
"Yes' Baekhyun said excitedly.
Baekhyun ripped the package and there was a book inside and a paper fell on the floor. 'It's a book' Baekhyun said.
Chanyeol picked up the paper that fell. He opened it and said 'I think this is a letter.' Baekhyun took the said letter from his hands and looked carefully.
'Hyung it's a letter and a book titled "My life" Baekhyun said.
'We should read the letter' suddenly Kyungsoo said and stood up from where he was seated and came towards Baekhyun.
'Yes we should' Lay said.
'But we have to start practising soon' Suho replied.
'Ohh! hyung we have time and it won't take much long to read the letter. We can read it until our chicken arrives." Chen whined.
"Ok! Ok! whatever" Suho replied.
Everyone smiled at that. They knew Suho would comply anyhow. Then Kai asked 'who is going to read that letter out loud?'
'I WILL.' Chen yelled.
'NO, I WILL.' Baekhyun, too yelled.
They started bickering when Chanyeol took the letter from Baekhyun's hand and said 'you two shut up! I will read it" to this Baekhyun just glared at Chanyeol and Chen whined some more and went to sit down near Minseok.
Everyone was silent and paid attention to what Chanyeol was going to read. He started,
'Dear EXO,
I 'm an EXOL. I have been an EXOL since the beginning. I have been a big fan of yours. You guys are a big inspiration to me. So, I wanted to express my gratitude through this letter. I hope that this letter could get to you and you guys could know that there is someone whose life you have changed so drastically and positively."Chanyeol paused at this and looked at the expression of his members. They were all listening intently. He then continued,
"I don't know from where to start to express my feelings for you. I guess I will start by saying thank you. Thank you for coming in my life.
Thank you Xuimin ssi... the eldest though he looks like the youngest, our fake maknae' Chanyeol glanced at Minseok and everyone smiled looking at him.
'By looking at you I learned that you don't have to speak more to express that you care. You could live your life to the fullest. Be the cutest and mature at the same time. Though you don't speak much you have always been there for your members, taking care of each other. You have always given your love to us and have always handled any situation maturely. You, who is always there for us.'
Chanyeol again looked at Minsoek and said "she is right. you know that right, hyung?"All the other members looked at him and bobbed their head up and down in agreement.
"Thank you Suho ssi... the best leader EXO could have. By looking at you I learned that we should never give up on our dream. You worked hard to get to where you are now. Your persistence and your will to not give up on your dream are really commendable. Once I thought about giving up on my dream too but looking at you, knowing you I learned that we should never give up our dream. You, who is strength to EXO and us."
Chanyeol looked at Suho and raised his eyebrow and said 'you must be proud of yourself hyung." At this Suho just smiled and Chanyeol continued,
'Thank you Lay ssi... our healing unicorn. Well you are my bias in EXO. I love all of you but I love you a little more." Chanyeol looked at Lay and smirked and everyone looked at him too. He got shy and said "ok, ok don't just look at me, continue..."
"Oh! hyung is looking forward for his part" Baekhyun teased.
Chanyeol continued, "By looking at you I learned that the harder you work the luckier you get. I guess I could say that I got luckier by knowing you. The compassion you have, I hope that you remain the way you are, always. And, not to forget about your cute dimples. You, who is innocent and compassionate."

"Thank you baekhyun ssi..."
"Yeah! It's my turn. Listen carefully all of you" Baekhyun said smiling ear to ear.
"mochi, playful and cute . By looking at you I learned how to make the atmosphere light. You know how you lift the mood and make every situation bearable. Your sense of humour, the way you cheer us up and even the way you tease us makes a crappy day bearable. You, who showed the light to us."
"Wow I guess mine's the cheesiest till now. Even Lay hyung's was not cheesy" Baekhyun mused.
"You are the mood maker Baek" Lay replied.
"Well, now is my turn if I am right." Chen hollered.
"Yes, Jongdae it is your turn. Now shut up and listen."Chanyeol hissed.
"Thank you chen ssi... ahh wae, the high note king. By looking at you I learned to be kind and considerate of others. You always look at our eyes and were very sincere. I know you like to play pranks on others but you are also very considerate for others. You, who is the kindest and the considerate."
Chen felt touched and smiled.
"Thank you... it's my turn. Do I have to read my part aloud too?"Chanyeol asked.
"Yes" everyone shouted.
"Give it I will read your part" Chen said.
"Ohh! How considerate of you" Chanyeol teased.
"Thank you chanyeol ssi... The happy virus. By looking at you I learned to smile at any situation life throws at me. The way you smile makes a smile appear in my face. Always stay smiling. You, who makes world a better place to live."
Chanyeol smiled and took the letter from Chen and starts reading again
"Thank you Kyungsoo ssi... Satan Soo, actor Soo, penguin Soo. That's what we call you but you are the most adorable person I have ever known. By looking at you I learned how to keep myself calm and composed. You know where to be calm and where to lose yourself. You have a great personality. You, who is good at cooking and a great companion."
Kai elbowed Soo and whispered to him "a great companion" Kyungsoo said "shut up" and smiled.
"Thank you Kai ssi... sexy dancing machine. By looking at you I learned to be sexy" Chanyeol said and everyone laughed at that. Kai looked shocked and glared at Chanyeol and Chanyeol quickly said, "I'm just kidding. She didn't write that." Laughing he continued
"By looking at you I learned to give your all in what you do. The way you laugh and the way you get shy after being complimented is the cutest thing ever. I wished I could see your reaction when you read this."Chanyeol looked at Kai and he was burying his face at the back of Kyungsoo. "I too wish she could see you getting red like this" Chanyeol teased. Then he continued,
"You, who sexy on stage and baby on the inside."
"Finally, it's time for our Sehunnie" Suho teased.
"Thank you Sehun ssi... our maknae. By looking at you I learned to be mature despite being the youngest. You are loved and pampered by your hyungs but you too love them and respect them. You, who is loyal and honourable."
Everyone looked at Sehun and Sehun said, "don't look at me like that hyung"
"Like what Sehun?" Baekhyun teased.
"Shall I continue?" Chanyeol asked.
"Yes" everyone replied.
"Thank you everyone, for being EXO, for being who you are. Thank you for changing my life. You must me guessing how you changed my life. It's written in the book that is with this letter. It's my first book and also the first copy. I hope that you could read it. I know that you are busy but I hope at least you could read my letter. I think I have written too much. I will end it here. Thank you so much.
"She didn't write her name though" Chanyeol said.
"May be it's in the book" Minseok suggested.
"No, it's not." Chen replied looking at the author's name.
The book was titled "my life" and the author name was "exolexo". They were looking at the book when a delivery guy came in.
"I'm sorry. The delivery is a bit late. Here is the chicken you ordered."
"Thank you." Suho said to the delivery man.
Every one remembered the letter and took turns to read their parts again. They put the letter and the book in the drawer in the table for safety and started eating. They talked about what was written and how much of it was the truth. They teased each other, laughed and started practising again.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2018 ⏰

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