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Adi felt tears slipping down her cheeks, she had fucked up again and she knew it. She shouldn't have followed him, she should have trusted Jax but she had this voice in her head - courtesy of every asshole she had dated before - that told her that he was lying and cheating on her so she did the absolute worst thing she could possibly do. She followed him. After he had explicitly told her to stay home and out of trouble today.

She had nearly gotten herself in the middle of club business, she had put not only herself but Jax and the rest of the guys at risk. Adi would never forget the look on his face when he found her hiding outside the strip club. She had never seen him so angry - he was so angry that he sent her home with Happy instead of driving her himself. The stone faced biker was sitting on her porch standing guard until Jax got home he hadn't said a word to her at all other than "stay put" which didn't make her feel any better.

He was going to break up with her, kick her out of his house and never speak to her again. Adi just knew this was going to be the last straw. Fuck if she could just go back and stop herself walking out that door. But at the same time she was pissed - pissed because lately Jax was shut off from her. They might have shared a bed but that was about all they shared lately and it was wearing on her. She felt so alone and left out.

The front door swung open and Adi's heart felt like it stopped. All of the negative things that people had told her about Jax when she met him came flooding back to her, combined with all the terrible experiences she had with guys before him, not to mention the look on his face as he demanded she get on the back of Happy's bike that he would 'deal' with her later, it was a volital cocktail of thoughts and memories that left her terrified. She fought to control her breathing as she heard his boots coming down the hallway. The closer he got to the door the more she panicked.

When Jax opened the bedroom door he found Adi folded into herself, her knees pulled up to her chest, and tears rolling down her face.

She flinched when he stepped towards her and Jax felt his heart sink a little.

"Adi." He spoke softly and kneeled infront of her. It hurt to think that she was afraid of him. He was pissed off before - but he wasn't now. He had let himself cool off before he came home.

"I'm sorry." She sobbed.

"Look at me babe."

Adi lifted her eyes to his. Her heart lurched a little when he called her babe.

"I didn't mean to scare you. But fuck Adi you have no idea how bad it could have been. There was damn near a brawl fifteen minutes before I walked out that door.  The only thing I could think of  was what if you had been caught in the middle. I was fucking terrified. I can't handle the thought of losing you." He explained the pain was evident in his voice.

"Y-you're not made at m-me?" Adi questioned trying to keep her voice steady.

"No baby not at you. I was mostly mad at myself for not protecting you better."

"I shouldn't have been out there in the first place."

"What the hell were you thinking? Did you think I was fucking around on you?"

Adi looked away. Now that Jax was here infront of her she was pretty embarrassed she let her insecurities get the best of her.

He took her face in his hands locking his blue eyes on hers.

"Darlin' if you're worried I'm gonna be lead astray don't be. There's not a goddamn girl in the world who compares to you. I'm sorry I've been so distant and I've tried to keep you away from so much not because I'm hiding anything because I thought it would keep you safe. But I was wrong.
"I love you and I am nothing without you Adelita."

"I'm sorry, I'm  an idiot Jackson." She said as he wiped the tears off her cheeks.

"Well you are with me sweetheart and I'm pretty sure half of Charming tried to tell ya that was a bad idea. So no arguments there." He laughed. 

Adi swatted him playfully and he kissed her softly.

"I swear you're gonna be the death of me." He teased.

"I'm sorry I'm such a - spazz."

"You're not a spazz babe. I'm an asshole."

"You can say that again." Adi replied.

"What?" Jax feigned shock. "C'mere you." Adi pulled herself up and out of his reach, she ran out of the bedroom with Jax following close behind her. He caught her before she made it into the livingroom and she squealed as he picked her up and tossed her over his shoulder.

"You're mine Adi and you're not going anywhere." Jax laughed as he carried her back towards the bedroom.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2018 ⏰

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