Chapter 7

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He picked her up from work again. Rory saw him waiting beside her car as she walked outside after her shift. Asa's jaw was tense, his hair casting a shadow over his face, and her stomach flew up into her throat when she saw him.

She swallowed.

"You alright?" she asked, refusing to analyze the reaction.

"Yeah," he said. He raised an eyebrow at the giant backpack she was carrying. "Why are you a pack mule today?"

"First week of classes." She scowled at him, opening the door to the back seat, unloading the heavy bag, and taking out her water bottle. She'd changed into leggings and a loose tee shirt after her shift as well, in case he had her climbing trees again.


"So, I've had to buy a bunch of crap, books, and stuff, to do the reading. I do chunks of it during my breaks at work, and most days before or after work I'm at coffee shops or on campus doing my homework."

She didn't understand this line of questioning, but he said nothing more as they walked a little way beyond her car, away from prying eyes. He extended an arm, and she stepped into his embrace. She closed her eyes, and a moment later was once more in the meadow.

Rory immediately stepped back from him and took a sip of water. Dropping the bottle on the ground beside her, she started to stretch out her shoulders. "So, what's the plan for today?"

Asa looked her up and down. "What are you doing?" he asked.

"Well, last time, you see," she said, bending down so she could start her stretching her lunge. "You didn't warn me what we were doing, and you expected me to try to figure out counterattacks in skinny jeans and wedge sneakers. It was not ideal. And I was fucking sore the next day. Whether that was because of what we did, or the transfer whatever," She didn't meet his eyes. "I don't know. But I'd rather take a second and warm up before we try to beat the crap out of each other."

"I did not, as you put it, 'try to beat the crap out of you,'" She could detect a hint of laughter in his voice, "Believe me, there is a difference between what we are doing and an actual fight. Besides, if you are attacked, do you really think you'll have a moment to say, hang on, let me just put my gym shoes on?"

"No," she fought the urge to scowl again. "But while we're training, why would I put myself at more of a disadvantage against you? This is what humans do. We go to gyms, we stretch, do a workout, throw water in our faces, and do it all again the next day."

"Please tell me you're not comparing this to a gym," Asa couldn't have sounded more exasperated if he tried.

"I'm not," Rory moved to hands and knees and started to switch between arching and rounding her back, "I'm saying you may be able to avoid aches and pains with your demon magic, but I can't. So, let me have a minute to sort myself out."

"It's not magic," he said, a little too quickly.

"Well, you're not exactly giving me proper words to work with. Demon power? Ability? Blood?" She didn't understand why Asa's face darkened at her words. She stood up, grabbing an ankle to stretch out her quad. "Dare I ask why you're so snarly this afternoon?"

"Do you remember those fleeting moments when you were afraid of me?" She sighed, and swapped legs.

"Sure. But then I tossed you out of a tree."

He didn't reply, but she saw his reluctant smile.

"Okay," she said, a minute later. "I'm set."

"Right. Today we're going to run."

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