On the Monday 10th of October there was new kids but when they were new born there parents died by a monster called The 9 Tales Fox he had destroyed the hole hidden in the Leaf village.
Naruko POV As I woke up and want in to my brother's bedroom and woke him up at lest I did "try" I jumped on his bed and shout" NARUTO WAKE UP!" He fell out of his bed and screamed " I am up believe it " as I told him to get dressed he want and did so... I made breakfast and want to my room and change out of my pjs in to my training Cloths ( I can't be bothered telling you what she warned so this is a picture of her in it)
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I shouted at naruto to Finnish eat because we will be late he shouted back saying okay
2 minutes later "We had made it naruto" I said in excitement okay let go in iruka sensei Said" we have new student and they are twins so yeah and they have different genders okay to be nice" We came in every one was looking at me .
Naruto POV When me and my sister came in every one was looking at her she was kinder scared and excited at the same time Iruka sensei said go on please introduce yourself I want first and said" my name Naruto Uzamaki and what I like is my twin sister I Naruko and what I dislike are people bullying her and my dream for the future is to became the greatest hokigey out of all of them."
Naruko POV
When my brother introduced himself I was next "My name is Naruko Uzamaki what I like is my brother and what I hate are fungirls and the colour pink my dream for the future is to help people to make their and to kill a certain person that took my mums clan away and also killed her , her name was Midnight Uchiha and my dads name was Minato Uzamaki I also had been given his special weapon It also know as the 4th hokage's weapon am going to show it to you " I threw the weapon at the end of the classroom and I was there in 2 seconds "okay Naruko you go sit next to Sasuka his right there and Naruto you go sit next to Hinater she is right there and the back with the purple hair." Said Iruka sensei we sat in our places and the boy Called Sasuka didn't stop looking at me "can I helped you?" I asked him he started to blush and hn me "Ooooohhhh, he looooovesss yooouuu!"Iruka sensei shouted I started to blush and Sasuka started to blush even more