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The air was still.
Cold enveloped Jungkook as he stood at the bottom of his steps, looking up at his front door. The expensive-looking chestnut color and immense size intimidated most people, but Jungkook found comfort in the intricate designs carved into the marble trim and the soft grooves in the wood where somebody had knocked a little too hard.

He took a deep breath, a small puff of white slipping out of his lips as he exhaled, reminding him that it was freezing. He regained focus and made his way up the steps, throwing the door open with ease.

Jungkook didn't smile like he usually did when the door slammed shut behind him. The usual satisfaction was gone due to the thought of what he was about to face- most people would be excited on their eighteenth birthday.

Not Jungkook.

He gulped as he made his way to his bedroom, fidgeting anxiously as the clock ticked closer and closer to midnight. Jungkook shook his thoughts away, pulled some papers out of his bag, and continued his homework.

He had a routine of staying at the library until dark, a friend's friend keeping it open for him as late as 10 at night. Usually Jungkook would have taken the bus straight home, but this time he had gone on a long walk, not necessarily to sort out his thoughts, but rather to escape them and just focus on how his feet took one step at a time. His biggest comfort was the sound of the cars as they rushed to wherever cars needed to go at that time of night.

He half-heartedly wrote out the answer to a math problem, not in the mood for all the equations and formulas.

Normally he would have finished his work at the library, but his mind kept wandering. What would his soulmate sound like? What would they say? They were normal questions for anybody on their eighteenth birthday, but Jungkook was conflicted.

He didn't want his soulmate to talk to him. He desperately hoped they were much younger than him so he didn't have to deal with them until he was old enough to restrain himself. Being 18 made it hard for Jungkook to feel like he was in control of his life. His gaze wandered up to the clock.

Two minutes. He gulped. In no way was he prepared to hear his soulmate's voice, to hear the sadness when they realized that Jungkook wasn't going to talk back. Jungkook only wished he could respond.

Suddenly, the alarm on Jungkook's phone went off, making him jump. It was midnight. Any minute now, and-

"Hey, soulmate. Is today your birthday? I felt something in my heart jump, I think that means we're connected now!" his soulmate said, the cheery tone ringing in Jungkook's ears. He'd heard from others that when your soulmate talks it comes from all around you. However, listening to it now, it shocked him just how much the other's voice seemed to wash over him, enveloping him in a layer of warmth. It was overwhelming in a good way. He wanted to reply, to make the other feel the same, the feeling of being wrapped in a blanket.

He didn't. He just sat there, bottom lip trapped between his teeth as he did nothing but listen.

"I guess I should introduce myself," the other said, clearing his throat. "My name's Jung Hoseok, and I'm 21! I study dance at Gwangju School for the Arts."

Only now did Jungkook realize that it was a guy talking to him. He'd always expected a girl, though he wasn't sure why. It didn't feel that weird having a male though. Maybe it didn't matter when you were soulmates.

"What, are you shy?" Hoseok asked. "It's your turn to introduce yourself... you just turned 18, probably, but I don't know anything else. Please tell me more."

"Are you there?"

Yes,Jungkook wanted to say. But I wish I wasn't.

"I'm sure you are, why won't you talk to me?"

Hello, Soulmate! | jhs♡jjkWhere stories live. Discover now