The Dungeon (An Aureylian and Vechs Fanfic)

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Aureylian was nervous. Well, you expect a girl to be nervous to be led into a "dungeon" that can't be shown on YouTube. Vechs had on a goofy and devious grin, leading her downwards. Aurey couldn't help but feel butterflies while he held her hand and led her into the depths.

Aureylian tried her best not to be caught pranking Vechs, but her best was never enough. Of course, just as she was about to get away with the prank, Vechs finds her next to the portal. She regretted tweeting out her prankings the moment the text box telling that Vechs was online flashed the screen.

Vechs led Aurey down a long winding staircase that led to an iron door. He placed a redstone torch and the door sprang open. Inside were 2 chains and a bed. Aurey was completely shocked. "Vechs!" She said, "What are you planning to do?" "Oh ho ho ho, you'll see," he said. "And boy, you'll really be surprised."

When he came back out he ushered for Aurey to come in. Aurey carefully stepped inside the cold room, making her way to the bed on the other side. " Alright," she said, "We all know what's going to happen here, so how about we just get these shenanigans over with." Vechs smiled. Aurey got suspicious, he had been awe fully quiet ever since he started to lead her down. "Wait, what are we doing?" Vechs bent down to level of the bed and went under it. He came out with a pressure plate, which he set down on the spot where 2 chains were laying. Upon stepping on it, it revealed a secret passage way. "Welp. It took an darn long time to figure out how to do this. I suppose I could have put an X on the ground instead of 2 chains, but it seemed outrageous enough for an outrageous place. Care to step inside?"

Aureylian peered inside, then felt a hand on her back. She was about to protest, but she was already barreling down the slide. She fell into a pile of fluttering petals that bounced and floated in the air when she landed. Vechs followed closely behind her, and landed on her head. She was about to exclaim at him, but was stopped mid sentence by the sheer awesomeness of her surroundings.

Around her was an amazing display of colorful flowers, their petals gracefully dancing in the wind and the sweet scent of nature skipping through the air. The bunnies and puppies bounded through a meadow of poppies, happily playing and wrestling with the cuteness of a thousand kitten hugs. In fact, to the right was a litter of kittens, jumping and meowing and scratching, playing roughly yet joyfully, without a care in the world. The sun had a gleaming face and greeted you with a bright smile, bathing the land in golden light that made you feel as though a thousand butterflies tickled you. Vechs stared at it, soaking in all of his hard work, while Aurey stared dumbfounded before letting out a huge, "DAWWWWWWWWWW!"

After exploding and touching and feeling her surroundings, Aurey walked back to Vechs, who was calmly tearing the grass, and asked, "Why did you make this?" "I figured I would terrorize the guys with the cuteness of this place and make them question their manliness, but I suppose it doesn't work as well on girls." Aurey looked back at the amazing underground world he had created. "I just want to sing and jump and dance around." She exclaimed. "Well," said Vechs, "Would you care to dance?" He held out his hand and Aureylian gladly accepted.
And so they danced. And laughed. And giggled. Vechs noticed her happy, green eyes. Aurey noticed he was staring at her, and Vechs looked away quickly. "No, it's okay!" She said quickly. Vechs looked back. He had tried to keep his distance in hopes his gushy-ness wouldn't spill out, but to no avail. He stared at her, and she stared at him. A figure appeared behind Aurey, and upon hearing it she leapt into his arms. Vechs collapsed Into maniacle laughter, and Aurey felt silly realizing it was only a puppy. And she realized she was then on top of him. She smiled shyly and said, "Thanks for all this, by the way." "Don't mention it," he answered. She rolled off him and looked up at the artificial sun. Her hand crept over to Vechs. He didn't pull away.

So this is heaven, she thought. But, is it the bunnies or... She looked to her side to see the cutest, most diabolical guy as looking peaceful as ever.

Meh, must be the bunnies.

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