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Rafe is a 13-year-old boy.  His family is in a gang like Ash's family but he wasn't forced to be in it yes he's a good kid at school but he wants a change in life he has a bad family.  Yes, he wants them to change to good people but he has all the money he wants and he thinks that money can buy happiness.  (Rafe's school life)  Rafe is a good kid he has a girlfriend and has lots of friends he's a straight-A student.  He loves school.  One day a new girl comes she's in dark black clothing.  Rafe's friends think she's hot but Rafe think's that it's wired.  After school when he was walking home he saw her and followed her to her home and he saw that she was homeless and that she was in a gang.  But when he tried to leave she saw him!  She yelled and told her gang to get him.  Did you guys guess who the was?  The girl was Ash and she had moved and she had a newbie in her gang it was her best friend from school.  (Rafe's home life)  At home, Rafe had everything he wanted.  He loved his life.  Rafe's hopes and dreams where that his family would change and that he would live till he died.  When you mess up it can affect other people around you.

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