The Dark Room

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“Miss Stuart, we need you to tell us exactly what happened last Wednesday night. We understand that your ability to recollect certain moments is exquisite, so if you attempt to mislead us into unraveling this mystery, you better be prepared for the consequences for this may end up being your last moments before the committee decides to release you.” responded a familiar voice.

“Wait, what exactly is going on here? I thought I was lying in the blueberry bushes!” I replied sporadically.

“Hmm… it seems as if you’ve just pinpointed your location for us. Good work, Stuart! Now if you keep that up we won’t have to harm you in any way shape or form.” replied the dark voice that began the conversation.

I swiveled my head right to left and left to right to see where I was, but all that my eyes were able to pick up on were the slight cast shadows of people. There were three people huddled in a group and one sole person to their left, about three feet in front of me. I blinked twice to check if this was reality and even slapped myself in the cheek for a second check. Somehow I was able to see the shadows, hear the slap of my hand hitting skin, feel the pain shoot up my face and even smell a distant odor of some classy perfume.

“I demand to know what the meaning of this is.” I said proudly as if I had nothing to worry about.

“We just need a recollection of last night’s events and then we’ll all be off to our own merry homes like this meeting never even occurred.” was the spine-chilling reply.

I quieted down for a moment. Something wasn’t right. Last night I hadn’t gotten caught by the guards. They were electrocuted right in front of me! There’s no way that this could be happening unless someone picked me up last night after I fell asleep in the blueberry bushes. The likeliness of that though, is on the smaller end of the spectrum due to my light sleep patterns. The only question left is what’s going on now?

My eyes scanned the room as my right hand slid up my knee, checking for the damage that was sure to be there. I stopped suddenly. Where was the gash from the fall and more importantly why was my knee back in its brace? Things were beginning to worry the inner child in me and I began to slowly push myself into a meditating sit. I rose from my horizontal position into an upright one, crossing one leg over another.

“Deep breath in. Deep breath out. Repeat.” gently came from my lips.

“What in damnation is this child doing! Please, somebody, get her out of this trance before we lose her again!” slowly came out of the mouth known to me as the lone dark figure before me.

All of a sudden, the room turned pitch-black without a cast shadow in sight. My mouth began to dry up as if the oxygen in the room was beginning to be drained out on my behalf. My eyes became droopy and soon enough, I lost all my senses.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2012 ⏰

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