Chapter 17

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[Taehyung's POV]

"Sir? Sir are you alright?" I slowly open my eyes to see a crowd of people surrounding me. I lift myself from the hard ground and look around.

"Taehyung? Taehyung!" I hear someone call. I look behind me to see an older man running towards me.

"Who?" I ask. "Who's Taehyung?"

Gasps come from all around me and the older man laughs. "Haha very funny Taehyung, lets go." He says through gritted teeth.

I stand from my spot and walk with the older man. Did I know him? No but I had a feeling I needed to follow him. Please, I don't even know who I am.

The older man guides me to a large car and ushers me in. I sit uncomfortably before he climbs in as well and tells the driver where to go.

Half way down the road the man turns to me. "What is wrong with you? Are you okay?" He asks.

I turn to him and shake my head. "I don't know who I am or where I am, it's like I've lost all of my memories of who I am." I explain.

The mans eyes widen and he starts to panic. "You're suppose to be on set in a few- oh my god I'm going to be fired." He starts to talk to himself while I sat in my confused state.

"What's my name? Who am I? Where am I?" I ask.

The man sighs and turns to me. "You're name is Kim Taehyung, you're a famous actor living in Korea. You have a large following and you're suppose to be on set of your new show but we've run into a problem."

I look away from the man and look at the seat in front of me. I'm an actor? My name is Kim Taehyung and I live in Korea?

This is all so new...

Although all of this is new I felt like I was missing something, there's probably a lot I'm missing, but this something seemed really important to me.

The door on my side opens making me come back to my senses and realize the car had stopped.

"Come on Taehyung, you're going to be late. We'll explain everything to the director when we get in." The man says.

I nod and get out of the car and follow him inside. A giant set sat in front of me as people ran around.

"Hey Taehyung!"


I hear people say as I walk in. Not knowing what to do I wave and give them a smile as the rush off somewhere.

"Taehyung, baby!" A man wearing a beret says walking over to me. "How are you? Where have you been?" He kisses each of cheeks.

I step back quickly, startling the beret wearing man. The man that has been with me since the car ride sheepishly smiles and drags beret man away to talk.

"Time for make-up pretty boy." A woman drags me away and sits me in a chair. "What would you like today?" She asks.

I look at her in confusion. She smacks her lips and nods her head making an 'mm' noise.

"Yes I agree." She says snapping her fingers to bring another girl over and before I knew it I was being poked in the face with a sponge while the other girl poked my eye out with a brush.

'What the hell...?'

"There you boy pretty boy, dressing room is over there." I look at myself in the mirror and gasp. I looked like a two year old got ahold of paint and begin using me as a canvas.

I bow towards them in thanks and rush over to the dressing room where I began to rub off most of the makeup with my shirt.

"Taehyung you're needed on set in twenty!" Somene yells from behind my curtain.

"O-Okay!" I yell. I sit down on the chair in the corner and sigh. "If I'm an actor how am I suppose to know my lines?"

I groan and bury my head in my hands, everything isn't setting in right.

I'm like a jigsaw puzzle that's missing almost all of its pieces. Who knows when they'll be found and put into the puzzle.

I slip into the clothes that hung next to me and fix my hair than walk out.

Beret guy walks over to me and gasps. "You. Look. Amazing!" He says. "Look, your manager told me all about what is going on with you and how you've forgotten some things. Luckily today you're just going to be sitting in this scene, making yourself look pretty. Can you do that?" He asks.

I turn my head to look at my supposed manager and he nods. "Yes. I can." I confirm.

"Great! We'll have Namjoon show you where you sit. Namjoon!" Beret man calls. Soon enough a guy around my age comes running to him.

"Yes?" He asks.

"Please show our guest where he's going to be sitting in this scene and make sure he's comfortable." He says before walking away.

Namjoon nods his head and turns to me. He stares for a bit before his eyes go wide. "Taehyung!?" He yells.

I step back in shock. "Yes? That's me. Um, if you knew me before I don't remember anything up to this point, I'm sorry." I apologize.

Namjoon shakes his hands. "No no don't be, let me show you where you sit." He says.

I smile towards Namjoon and follow him onto set. I sit down where told to and get comfortable. "If you need anything please let me know." He says. I nod my head and wave as he leaves.

I feel like I know him...I just can't put my finger on it.

Apartment Hauntings| Kim Taehyung x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now