:Forever:In:Your:Arms: a Jacky Vincent one shot

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  • Dedicated to My friend, Erin :)

I heard the booming bass of the opening bands from the building outside the tour bus. I could see the smile on Ronnie’s face as he anticipated the energy of the crowd.

“Tonight is gonna kick ASS!” he shouted, pumping fists with Derek. I smiled; I loved working as the Falling In Reverse merch girl. I got to spend time with the sickest people and have fun every night, as my job! I glanced over at Jacky who had a squeamish expression on his face, he always seemed to get nervous right before the show.

“SO STOKED!! Right, Jacky?” Ronnie punched Jacky’s arm and Jacky winced.

“Y-Yeah, definitely…”

“Oh, don’t tell me you’re nervous, again?! C’mon man, this is going to be AWESOME! They’re all here for us, we gotta do our best!” Ronnie tried syking him up and he nodded, the nervous expression only fading slightly. He looked so cute when he was nervous… I sighed to myself. I’d been crushing on him since I become the merch girl…I wanted him so bad but, I don’t think I’ll ever get the courage to tell him.

“WHO’S READY TO GO CRAZY, TONIGHT?!” I heard the excited growl of my friend, Jessica, say as she stepped onto the bus. She had become a merch girl with me when we applied a few months ago.

“YEAH, THAT’S WHAT I’M TALKIN’ ABOUT!” Ronnie replied, equally enthusiastic. I saw a blush spread on her cheeks and I laughed to myself and shook my head. She, herself, had had a thing for the lead singer for as long as I’d had one for the guitarist.

“You guys are gonna KILL it tonight! They’re definitely ready for you and you’re going on in ten minutes, be ready! C’mon Erin, we’d better get to the merch tables and feed the crowd their merchandise!” She continued, gesturing for me to follow her to the merch tables. She always seemed to love concerts, and I did too! That’s why this job was absolutely perfect for us.

“Thanks, Jessica, you guys better sell lots of merch!” Ronnie smiled and she blushed again, biting her lip. I rolled my eyes at her and stood up.

“Good luck, tonight, guys. And, Jacky, take a breath; I know you’ll do great, you’re an amazing guitarist,” I complimented him, trying to ease his nerves. He smiled shyly at me.

“Thanks, Erin,” he said softly. I smiled back and felt Jessica tugging on my arm, signaling that it was time to go to the tables. She dragged me outside the tour bus and smiled at me, one eyebrow raised.

“And by that you meant, ‘Oh Jacky, you’re such an amazing guitarist, marry me, now!’” She laughed and I glared at her.

“Oh, you’re gonna make fun of ME? What about you! Miss blushes-if-Ronnie-says-ONE-word-to-her!”

“Shut up! God, we’re both such fails,” she grinned at me and I rolled my eyes, laughing.

“Terrible fails. Now, shall we go sell FIR merch?” I suggested.

“We shall!” she replied and I hooked my arm in hers as we showed our i.d.’s at the door and they let us through. The tables had been set up already by the merch girls of Skip The Foreplay and Asking Alexandria, who were playing on tour with FIR; we switched roles every other night with them. They waved us over and we got behind our table, preparing for the rush.

“FIR are going on right now! I can hear the beginning beat of Pick Up The Phone!” she yelled above the music to me.

“Isn’t Jacky a great guitarist?!” I shouted back and she smiled, nodding. The music boomed behind us and we sang along while sorting the merch out to people. We had the best job in the world.


The night was a success! We sold a TON of merch and people were raging with excitement even as they left the building. We thanked the other merch girls for setting up and offered to put everything away. I couldn’t wait to see Jacky after the show, so I quickly began stuffing shirts into boxes. I couldn’t stop thinking about him, I planned on telling him how amazing his guitar solo in The Drug In Me Is You was, hopefully it could start a conversation between us.

:Forever:In:Your:Arms: a Jacky Vincent one shotWhere stories live. Discover now