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Pherick didn't really enjoy the journey much and didn't tell anyone what happened while on it but I believe if you look in the book that I have based this one off of (Peter Pan by James Barrie) and if you read the Darling children's account of their journey then I think you'll have a pretty good idea of Pherick's.

When they reached Neverland Pherick was surprised because he had the feeling he had seen it before like in a dream or something.

When their feet touched the sand of the beach Peter Pan turned to Pherick and briefed him on the rules.

1. You must obey Peter no matter what.

2. Peter was the only leader.

3. And foremost no one was to be good as or better at anything then Peter.

Pherick thought the rules unfair but agreed.

There were other lost boys and Pherick quickly got friends and when Peter was gone (he was a lot) then despite rule number two Pherick would step in as leader.

Nothing much happened for a few years (or was it months? Time works so differently in Neverland) except Peter kept forgetting Pherick's name and grew frustrated because of it and claimed it wasn't because he forgot it, it was because it was a dumb name (or so he claimed) so he changed it to James.


A couple years later James had grown and now you wouldn't have recognized him as the same schoolboy from a couple years earlier. He was now taller and had long black hair and blue forget-me-not eyes and was dressed in a red bear skin with his dagger and alarm clock tied around his waist.

One day when Peter was supposed to be off on an adventure James had taken charge and was sitting in Pete's seat at the head of the table when suddenly Peter entered silently.

"James!" Peter growled.

James leaped up and turned around and realized he was caught.

They glared at each other for a couple minutes. Peter scowling up at James and James looking daggers down at him.

They then both realized it at the same time. James was now taller than Peter.

Peter yanked out his dagger and lunged but James dodged and pulled his own. One of the lost boys joined in the fight but Peter made him stop when James taunted that Peter couldn't fight him by his self. They fought hard and wrecked the hut the lost boys lived in. At one point James was able to send Peter reeling giving him enough time to slip out the door and start running towards the beach but Peter caught up with him. Peter had the unfair advantage of flying and because of it, he was able to drive James nearly into the water but James did a smart little trick of catching the hilt of Peter's weapon with the blade of his own and push on it giving him enough time to grab Peter's collar and yanking him into the water then made a quick retreat for a hill that broke off into a cliff over the sea nearby. When Peter came up he was wet and mad. He swiftly flew to James and James turned around to meet him. They clashed and slashed at each other 'til James was at the very edge of the cliff and he began to get nervous and distracted until Peter caught an opening and slashed at James' wrist.

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