Meeting of Disappointment

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It was the early morning of a cold winter. The grass was covered with a layer of frost and the trees were bare.  It was deep within the school term and it was Lily’s first day as well as her birthday. The calm, tranquil picture from outside the window was interrupted by the loud alarm BEEP BEEP BEEP. The birds scattered out from the trees and flew in the air as If they were performing their own morning ritual dance.  Lily headed down stairs In order to see Nick and Jan for her birthday breakfast they promised. The smell of bacon wafted through the house as Lily’s mouth began to water with excitement. She opened the old kitchen door which followed from a creak in the floor boards. With disappointment, her foster parents weren’t there, Instead laid a small note on the classic kitchen table.  The note read:

Dear Lily,

Sorry were not here, we were called into work.

Your breakfast is on the table J we will see you


Love Nick and Jan x

Her face turned from the happiness she was expecting to the disappointment she received. Their work continued to disrupt their family but she thought today would have been the day where they spent the morning and evening with one another. With the disappointment of her cold breakfast, Lily believed her first day at school couldn’t be any worse. She dragged herself to get ready and headed on the walk to school. She passed the local shop during her 23 minute walk as well as the Local Park and field. She gazed in the air watching the birds’ parade and the sun shine through the clouds. Lily listened to her favourite music through her IPod- the Rasmus. She felt relief as she arrived as she managed to make it there on time without getting lost.

Arriving at school, she entered the huge, metal gates. Everyone was moving around and Lily felt as If she was In the middle of a stampede. The loud bell released a scream to allow the pupils to know the beginning of school. Lily entered the Victorian style school, with everyone wearing she school uniform of blue blazers, either a black skirt or trousers and a blue and black tie, the corridors looked like  an ocean. The school was huge and Lily had no clue as to where to go. Her tutor was In M5 with Mrs State, not knowing where to go; she peered round corridors In order to find the room. Lily turned round the corner when she was knocked to the floor. She opened her eyes to find a young, blue eyed, blond hair guy stood over her. She attempted to stand but with when she fell she must have hit her head so she ended up stumbling back to the ground. The mystery guys reached out his hand and helped Lily to get up. Her head began to feel as If pressure was growing and she began to feel dizzy.

Next thing Lily knew was she was in the nurses office, the mystery guys remained sat in the chair with what seemed like a bandaged arm.

‘What happened?’ Lily asked with confusion in her voice.

‘You hit your head when you fell earlier, you then passed out from head rush when you stood up’ the bright blue eye guy replied. ‘How’s your head feeling?’

‘Groggy, not too bad though’ Lily replied. ‘Not meaning to sound rude, who are you?’

‘I’m Jake, Jake Faith. You’re the new girl aren’t you? Not much of a great first day!’

‘Not really, my birthday as well, I haven’t even spoken to my carers today. Not much of a day’.

‘Carers? You must have rich parents’ Jake replied jokingly with a smile on his face.

‘My parents died when I was two in a car crash, my carers are my foster parents. I’ve only just moved In with them and that’s why we moved here; for a new start’. Lily replied with a sense of hope in her voice.

‘O’h I’m sorry about that’ Jake replied with a sense of understanding. ‘I moved here with my mum, my dad died when I was two as well, I have never asked how he died, and I’ve never wanted to know. Losing my dad has been hard enough, I can’t even Imagine what It is like to have lost both parents, I don’t know where I would be without my mum’. The smile which appeared on Jake’s face has now turned to a thoughtful look.

Jake was then released from the nurse’s room but Lily had to remain there for another fifteen minutes to insure she was okay. Luckily, after those 15 minutes the nurse took her to her next lesson which meant she made it there without confusion. 

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