Green Glowing Eyes

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Casper's POV:

I watched some tv and the nurse brought me my dinner. I ate a little more of my dinner than I had of my breakfast or lunch. After I ate what I wanted the nurse took my tray and I watched tv. My nurse brought a fan into my room, because I was feeling hot and sweaty. I put the fan on high, which made the room feel better. I had a thin blanket on my legs, because even though it's hot I still like to sleep with a blanket. After a while I ended up drifting off to sleep. I suddenly woke up and found Pennywise staring down at me with his blue eyes staring at me. I jumped slightly, which made him smile slightly. The soft glow of the tv lit up the room as well. 'I guess the nurse didn't come up to shut the thing off.' I thought inside of my head. I sat up feeling nervous and a little afraid due to the last time he was here. "What are you doing here?" I asked him curiously. "You feel lonely, and you need a friend." He said as he gave me a toothy grin. His front teeth looked like bunny teeth, but they were slightly crooked. Even though he practically scared the shit out of me last time, there was something almost cute about him. I just hoped he stayed that way instead of growing shark teeth and lunging at me again. "Well...thanks..I guess." I replied. He stood there staring at me with his glowing eyes in complete silence. The tv's sound was muted, which I found was kinda strange, especially since I didn't mute it before I fell asleep. "You love him...don't you?" He asked me curiously, breaking the silence. "Love who?" I asked with furrowed brows as I rubbed my eyes. "That tall handsome man you keep thinking about. You love him." He said as he rested his head in his hand, which was propped up my his elbow. My breathing hitched, and I felt my cheeks heat up with embarrassment. 'He must be watching me all the time.' I thought inside of my head. "Yes." I said in a barely auditable voice. "Close your eyes." He said, which took me aback. "Wait. What?" I asked, bewildered. "Close your eyes." He said once more as he stood up to his full height. I was still amazed at how tall he looked, even though Bill is pretty tall himself. I hesitated, but closed my eyes anyway. My stomach filled with anxiety as I sat there and waited on who knows what to happen. I sat on the bed with my eyes closed for what felt like ages. I almost believed that he left, but then he broke the silence. "Now open them." He said, but his voice was different. It sounded deep, yet soft and kind. I opened my eyes and I gasped at what I saw. Pennywise wasn't Pennywise any more...he looked exactly like Bill Skarsgard. His eyes were green, but they glowed like Pennywise's eyes. "Why did you do this? Why did you turn into him?" I asked curiously. I honestly felt like he was doing this as some soft of joke. "Because you love him, but you can't have him. So...I decided to give him to you." He replied in Bill's voice. "This is insane." I said as I ran a hand through my messy hair. "Well, it's a good thing I'm insane then or this would have never worked." He said, and I couldn't help but laugh. He smiled Bill's beautiful smile, which brought my attention to his pink plump lips. He noticed and I blushed. He leaned down and placed his hand, which wasn't gloved anymore, on the side of my face gently. We locked eyes and he slowly closed the distance between us, placing his lips on mine. My eyes widened in shock, but they soon fluttered shut as I kissed back. His lips felt so soft and perfect against mine. He gently broke the kiss and nuzzled his adorable nose against mine, which gave me butterflies. I giggle slightly, and he cocked his head to the side as he furrowed his eyebrows. "What?" He asked curiously with a light smile on his face. "Your lips." I said. "What about them? Do they not look like his? Do feel strange?" He asked with confusion in his lightly glowing green eyes. "No. They...they taste like cotton candy." I replied with a light blush on my cheeks. He smiled and placed his soft lips on mine once again. I kissed back and tangled my fingers in his soft brown hair. He broke the kiss slowly and I wished I could kiss him forever, even though I knew it wasn't really Bill. "I have to go. You need some sleep." He said softly in Bill's voice as he stroked my cheek with his thumb. "Okay." I said in a sad sounding voice, and his eyes softened. He kissed my forehead gently and then started turning back into his Pennywise form. Once he was completely transformed I started to drift into the darkness of sleep. I woke up to the sound of heels clicking on the linoleum floor. I opened my eyes and found my nurse leaving the room. I glanced up at the clock that hung on the wall across from my bed and seen that it was already ten o'clock in the morning. 'This is the latest I've ever slept in a very long time.' I said inside of my head. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and sat up in my bed as I waited for breakfast to be brought to me. It felt like I was waiting forever, and I thought I wasn't going to get anything to eat until someone walked in with a tray of food. "Thanks." I replied as she handed me the tray. "You're welcome sweetie." The nurse replied with a smile. I dug into the lovely smelling food the kitchen staff prepared for me. After I ate I felt like someone or something was watching me. 'It's probably nothing.' I said inside of my head. The nurse took my tray away, and I was left alone once more. I turned on the tv and desperately hoped I could leave this place; I didn't care where I went as long as I didn't have to see this place ever again. The world started to fade away, and I was in a deep deep sleep once more.

A/N: Thanks for reading! Remember to vote, comment, share, etc. I'm sorry these chapters have been pretty short, but I hope you like it. :) <3

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