you can't date anyone but me.

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chapter 1

Amelia's POV:

My name is Amelia and I am 24 years old I started off by saying that I've never been in to bands before Bastille.., But I heard Dan before Bastille started, as he would sing his old songs to me.. Dan was my good friend and we always had a connection.. it was something we never thought it would turn into anything because well.., I love him but I think he only sees me as a sister and I always wanted something more..


Dan and I were at his family's BBQ and we were drinking some beer when Dans auntie came over and said that we make a good couple. I choked on my beer and Dan asked.

"are you ok?"

"yeah I am it went down the wrong pipe that's all"

with and awkward laugh. I got nervous.. Dan and I never spoke about our feelings. well I had more for him but he didn't see me in that light, I think he thought I was a little sister or friend who would never get out of the friends zone. Dan and I were getting really drunk when I crashed in his bed. I was so tired but I wanted to be with Dan. after a lot of drinking and pretending we weren't anything I sat on dans bed waiting for Dan to come in.
When Dan did I was schoked to see him and Stacey kissing, I was so upset that i ran past them.. I said goodbye to his mum Isla who was now worried that i was crying, I headed home and woke the next morning to see Dan in my lounge room and he was worried.
"what are you doing here?" I said now annoyed, I went to the kettle and put it on.
"I wanted to know what happened last night?" Dan said now worried he was fidgeting with his hands.
"I don't want to talk about it." I said now getting a cup from the cupboard.
"I wanted to make sure you were ok?" Dan said sincerely.
"No I'm not ok Daniel.." I said now dropping the mug on the ground, I headed to get a dustpan.
"i wanted to know if I wanted to meet up later?" Dan said smiling at me with his goofy smile.
"NO" I said now angry. I put the mug pieces in the bin and then headed to my room, I shut the door but Dan came after me and opened it. I headed back into the kitchen.
"what's wrong Amelia?" Dan said now annoyed, I could see he was hurt also.
"go away" I said now upset but I didnt want to cry.
but Dan wouldn't leave the subject alone. I started to cry and then he spoke her name..
"is it because of Stacey and last night?" Dan said now looking at me when I looked to the ground and spoke.
"Yes" I said quietly as I swallowed the lump in my throat.
"what is wrong tell me?" Dan said now coming to me and holding my hand.
I fought back the tears and spoke as i looked Dan i said the words I didn't think I would say. I'm in love with you Daniel and I don't want you to date anyone but me.." I said now as the tears fell
Dan looked at me shocked, he didn't say anything I wiped away the tears as i see Dan leave my house. After that night I didn't see Dan and it was the hardest thing ever for me. How do you get over telling someone your feelings and they don't even say anything back.

*end of flashback*

I snapped out of my thoughts and then lined up to the concert and waited until they came on stage I hope I could see Dan after the concert as we haven't seen each other in four years...
As the concert started I was getting butterflies in my stomach and my heart pounding into my throat. I see them all come on I was off to the side of the venue I wanted to wait until after the concert to see them. That's if I was able to I mean. As they started to play bad blood I was reminded of all the good times that me and Dan had.

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