Chapter Five

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Lamprey's eyelids fluttered. Blearily, he saw the dim outline of a cave around him. He tried to press a talon to his head to stop the splitting pain, but his claws wouldn't move. He blacked out again.

When he regained consciousness again, the pain had lessened somewhat. He tried to move his claws, but found them still immobile. He raised his head and saw why. His front claws had been tied together with a gummy, waterproof material. The other end of the rope led to a large boulder. Lamprey raised his head some more and saw that his back talons had been bound in a similar fashion. His wings had been bound to his sides as well. Lamprey tried to cut through the rope around his talons, but after a few minutes' work, he saw no signs of tearing.

A flash from the entrance of the cave caught his eye, and he laid his head down on the cave floor again, one green eye open a slit. A group dragons swam through the entrance, and Lamprey had to struggle to keep his breathing even.

If they wanted to kill you, they would've done it already, he told himself. That thought was not very reassuring.

One of the SeaWings began flashing his stripes, speaking to the light-colored dragon at the head of the group.

We found him by the reef, swimming alone, he explained.

The lighter dragon nodded, looking slightly amused. And it took all four of you to capture him? he asked. They must be training dragonets better than they did when I lived in the palace.

The first dragon looked away, and the lighter dragon turned towards Lamprey. Lamprey closed his eye, and soon felt the dragon's claws on him. The dragon lifted Lamprey's head, turning it left and right. Lamprey forced himself to remain limp as he felt the dragon's claws tighten slightly. The SeaWing let go of his head, and Lamprey felt claws on his wing. He felt the ropes loosen, and his heart jumped.

Too many to fight, he told himself. Wait for a better opportunity.

His wing was pulled open, and he felt claws running down the skin.

The claws released his wing, and Lamprey let it drift closed again. After a few moments of nothing, Lamprey risked opening his eyes again. The dragon had moved away from him a bit, and was running his claws over his horns, eyes closed. He was breathing deeply, and the other dragons wore expressions ranging from fear to confusion. Finally, the SeaWing opened his eyes.

This dragonet was alone, you say? he flashed slowly. By the reef above the trench?

There was a pause. Then one of the dragons responded. Yes.

And you didn't happen to check that he truly was the queen's son before you brought him here, did you?

Another pause. Then another of the dragons spoke. He looked just like you described. Dark blue and green scales, just like you said.

No. Not just like I said. I said the queen's son would have the royal stripe pattern under his wing.

He whirled around and swam towards Lamprey. He yanked his wing painfully up, displaying the underside to the watching SeaWings. Lamprey couldn't see what the dragon was saying, but guessed that it was something along the lines of how Lamprey was most certainly 'not' a royal dragonet.

One of the watching dragons took a nervous step forward. It was Eel who told us this was the dragonet to grab. He was the one following him. This is his fault!

The dragon released Lamprey's wing again, and stalked forward. I see, he flashed. So it's Eel's heart I should tear out and feed to the sharks?

A second dragon, Eel, stumbled forward. I didn't see any of them saying anything about it, he argued. It's their fault just as much.

 The dragon nodded. So I should kill all of you?

No one said anything this time, and Lamprey let his eye wander, exploring the cave as much as he could. It was nothing remarkable. As far as he could see, the only thing in the cave other than him and the other dragons was the rock he was tied to.

His eye darted back toward Eel and the others, for the first SeaWing was speaking again.

None of you are going to take the blame? he asked. None of you are willing to take responsibility? None of you are willing to swallow your pride and admit you made a mistake?

Still none of them spoke. The SeaWing sighed. Very well.

He lunged at the group, talons stretched toward Eel, but veered away at the last second, burying his claws in the neck of the dragon on Eel's left. His victim choked, bringing his claws up, but the dragon grasped his head and slammed it against the wall of the cave. Lamprey closed his eye just in time, heart pounding.

They're going to kill me, he thought frantically. Now that they know I'm not the queen's dragonet, they'll kill me.

Lamprey risked cracking an eye open just a slit, and saw that the body, as well as one of the other dragons, was gone. Only Eel, the leader dragon, and one other remained.

The leader dragon was speaking again. Learn from your mistakes, he ordered. If we are to overthrow my idiot sister, Dolphin-

Lamprey couldn't help it; he gasped. This insane SeaWing, this dragon who would kill his own allies, was the queen's brother?

The dragon must've heard him, for he turned, staring straight at Lamprey. He made a circling motion with his talon: we'll finish this later.

He stalked towards Lamprey, who closed his eye again, knowing it was probably pointless.

The dragon cuffed his ear. Lamprey didn't open his eye. The dragon's claws trailed down his neck, before hooking under one of Lamprey's gills. He tugged, and Lamprey ducked his head, flashing his stripes. All right, all right, stop.

He opened his dark eyes and met the other dragon's pale ones.

So, the other dragon began. If you're not one of my sister's dragonets, which you clearly aren't, then who are you?

My name is Lamprey, Lamprey answered, figuring there was no point in lying.

The other dragon nodded. So, Lamprey, would I be right to assume you know who I am? You look old enough.

I know you're betraying your sister and the entire royal family, Lamprey offered.

The other dragon flicked his claw along Lamprey's wing, opening a thin cut. My name is Stingray, he said. Does that help?

Lamprey's eyes widened slightly. You were supposed to be a hero. What happened to you? Also, aren't you supposed to be dead?

Stingray snarled. Dolphin would no doubt like you to think so. I'm sure you heard the story of how I supposedly died in battle, right? How I was killed and my body lost in the trenches, and was never found? The truth is, the queen never looked. She assumed I was dead, and didn't care enough to come looking. I should have ruled, you know. I was, and still am, much stronger than that excuse for a ruler. However, I had been willing to follow her orders, until she left me for dead at the bottom of that abyss. I will take the throne from her, and force her to give me power over the Kingdom of the Sea.

Lamprey looked at Stingray, realizing the truth. It was you! All the attacks, hurting innocent dragons, it was all you! trying to get dragons to mistrust Queen Dolphin so they would be more willing to accept you!

Stingray raised an eyebrow. You're a smart dragonet. I don't think I'll have you killed just yet.

Yet? Lamprey thought, but didn't say it.

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